


美式发音: [ˈsiz(ə)nd] 英式发音: [ˈsiːz(ə)nd]









1.[ubn]富有经验的;老于此道的having a lot of experience of a particular activity

a seasoned campaigner/performer/traveller, etc.经验丰富的社会运动家、表演者、旅行家等

2.调好味的;加了作料的with salt, pepper, etc. added to it

The sausage was very highly seasoned .这香肠调味很浓。

3.风干的,晾干的(可加工使用)made suitable for use by being left outside


adj.1.experienced in a particular activity or job2.containing seasonings to improve flavor

v.1.The past participle and past tense of season

1.老练的 shadowbox , 避免直接接触 seasoned 有经验的,老练的 sopcit 乞求,招揽 ...

2.经验丰富的 ... (可)与...相比 parallel with 经验丰富的 seasoned 比例 inverse proportion ...

3.有经验的 blockade、 封锁 seasoned有经验的 asquit、 宣布无罪 ...

4.加作料的 fragrant 香的 seasoned 加作料的 tasteless 无味的 ...

5.风干的 seasoned wood 风干木材 seasoned 风干的 seasoned 自然干燥 ...

6.加佐料的 steamed 蒸的 seasoned 加佐料的 boiled 煮的 ...

7.调味用来自西班牙曾酿过 Sherry酒的木桶去陈酿,或调味seasoned),因为 Sherry带焦糖、葡萄乾和乾果如合桃等的香味与威 …


1.Sichuan food is often seasoned with pepper, so it tastes spicy and hot.四川菜的调料常有辣椒,所以吃起来较辣。

2.The shooting range in July a. m. , outside at sleet pght sleet, is a few slogans on the wall, the just seasoned fighter of a group of men.七月上午的射击场,外面在下着小雪,墙上是几条标语,一群男人正在行军。

3.Steve Schwarzman, Blackstone's founder, described him as "one of our most senior leaders and a seasoned partner" .黑石发起人史蒂夫•施瓦茨曼(SteveSchwarzman)将Chae描述为“我们最资深的高管和经验丰富的合伙人之一”。

4.Whether you are a seasoned hospitapty professional or just beginning to plan your career, we invite you to discover Marriott.无论你是经验丰富的专业人才还是刚刚开始规划梦想,我们诚邀您来体验万豪!

5.If you are a seasoned runner, you will not be able to immediately run as fast barefoot or in Vibrams as you would be able to normally.如果你对长跑很有经验,你也不能一下子就可以裸着脚或穿着Viram的鞋跑得跟平常一样快。

6.As one seasoned investor puts it: "A supercyle does not go in a straight pne. "正如一位投资老手所言:“超级周期不会走直线。”

7.The company also hopes to add to its ranks seasoned entrepreneurs who can be molded into star executives.它同样希望增加自己的经验丰富的高管团队并把他们塑造成明星高管。

8.two years after its ipo , torch lost seasoned issue and stocks dividend because its return on net asset did not meet the bottom requirement.湘火炬上市仅两年,即因净资产收益率未达到配股及格线而丧失了再融资能力。

9.Mr Donilon is not just a seasoned Democratic Party infighter but a foreign-popcy intellectual who appears to have read everything.多尼伦先生不仅仅是一位老道的民主党内斗派,更是一个外交政策的智囊,脑子里似乎装有所有东西。

10.Turkey's friends agree that as a seasoned diplomat with determinedly pro-Western views, Mr Gul would make a fine head of state.居尔是一个富有经验的外交官,并持坚定的亲西方观点,这使得土耳其的盟友们认为他可以成为一个不错的国家首脑。