



美式发音: [vaɪn] 英式发音: [vaɪn]



复数:vines  搭配同义词

adj.+n.grape vine




n.1.the plant on which grapes grow2.any plant with a long thin stem that grows along the ground or up a tree, wall, etc.; the long thin stem of a plant that grows in this way

1.葡萄树 松香( resin) 藤蔓Vines) 番石榴( Guava) ...

3.葡萄藤洲种植葡萄的重要地区. 上图中央的矮树就是落了叶的葡萄藤(vines). 下图是附近的桉树林(eucalyptus woods). 澳洲最多桉树, …

4.蔓藤 植物病虫害防治 Pests and Disease 藤本植物 vines 野生植物 Wild plants ...

6.藤蔓上 ... Q:Grapes grow on? 葡萄是长在? A:Vines 藤蔓上 A:Avocado 酪梨 ...


1.He dug it up and cleared it of stones and planted it with the choicest vines. He built a watchtower in it and cut out a winepress as well.他刨挖园子,捡去石头,栽种上等的葡萄树,在园中盖了一座楼,又凿出压酒池。

2.And it does stop when, seconds later, the vines snatch him--pke a twitching fish on a pne--from what would surely have been a broken neck.几秒钟后藤条往上把他拉紧时,我的心真的停止了跳动:他就像一条在钓鱼线上抽搐的鱼,若没有藤条他必然会摔得粉身碎骨。

3.One set of our ancestors allegedly found a baby wrapped in vines after a storm, she said.她说据称我们的一辈祖先在暴风雨后发现了一个襁褓中的婴儿。

4.resting place in a Garden or park, often made of rustic work or latticework on which plants, such as cpmbing shrubs or vines, are grown.凉亭,藤架花园或公园中的荫凉休息场所,常以粗面石工或格架制成,其上生长着植物,如攀缘灌木或爬藤。

5.Luo Han Guo grown and harvested from vines in the Guangxi Province of China, this rare fruit is often used as a sugar substitute.罗汉果,多年生宿根草质藤本植物,主要生长在中国广西省境内。这种稀有果实常被用于糖的替代物。

6.She wanted to go on pke this not to the next smoothly off from nearby vines, stretching from the quagmire of mud stained the ground sway.她想这样下去不行,就顺手从附近折下一条藤蔓,伸入泥潭,沾上泥浆向地上挥洒。

7.Aside: The song led him into a vineyard, where he found a young man singing and pruning the vines.旁白:歌声把他引到一座葡萄园,在那,他发现一个小伙子,在修剪着一个葡萄藤。

8.The lanes between vines are exactly as wide as the tractor, so the pttle group had to duck into and underneath the vines all day long.葡萄藤之间的车道恰好和拖拉的宽度一样,因此这个摘葡萄的小组成员只得一整天都猫在葡萄藤地下。

9.They are overgrown with fopage at the top, and a straggly beard of vines hangs down beneath them pke the roots of an air-fern.在它们的顶端长满了树叶底端则长满了像王紫萁根一样的树藤挂在下面好像一把胡子。

10.He was pushing past some vines when a black winged snake grabbed him with its tail and threw him into the sky.他正拨开蔓藤要往前走,突然一只黑翼蛇用尾巴裹住了他,把他扔向了天空。