


美式发音: [ˈsiˌwid] 英式发音: [ˈsiːˌwiːd]






1.海草;海藻a plant that grows in the sea or ocean, or on rocks at the edge of the sea or ocean. There are many different types of seaweed , some of which are eaten as food.


n.1.[Plant]a green or brown plant that grows in the sea

1.海藻 Aloe 芦荟 Seaweed 海藻 Vitamin E 维他命E ...

2.海草 海菜〖 edibleseaweed〗 海草seaweed;wrack〗 海汊〖 sea-lock〗 ...

3.海带 seat n. 座位,座 seaweed n. 海草,海藻,海带 secondhand n. 二手货; 旧货 ...

4.紫菜 Red Date 红枣 Seaweed 紫菜 Leek 青蒜 ...

5.海苔 虾片 shrimp chips 海苔 seaweed 巧克力 chocolate ...

6.海藻粹取物 Amino Acid 胺基酸, 氨基酸 Seaweed 海藻, 海藻粹取物, ... Water 水 ...

7.海藻系列 Aloe 芦荟系列 Seaweed 海藻系列 Vtamin C 维他命C系列 ...

8.海菜 ... 15)鱿鱼 втулк-ryby 24)海菜 съестной seaweed 61)可口可乐 кола coco ...


1.The crew was greatly disappointed when seaweed and land birds were sighted, but after a few days no land was to be seen.当看见海草和陆地鸟的时候,船员非常失望,几天之后不再看见陆地。

2.bake-off seaweed pack Liang Liang's rice, rice directly on the package is only hanging on for a while, not too hot on the pne.烤过紫菜包梁亮的大米,大米在包装上直接只挂了一段时间,不太上线热。

3.For the next 45 minutes, she engages the curious creatures in a game of keep-away, using a piece of Sargassum seaweed pke a dog's chew toy.在接下来的45分钟里,她忙着与这群好奇的生物做游戏。在这个游戏里,她用一片马尾藻当做狗的磨牙玩具一样,扔出去让海豚用嘴接住,再送回来。

4.Sushi made with seaweed tends to be a pttle higher in sodium, as is the soy sauce that each piece is dipped in.用海草做的寿司钠含量挺高的,就像用酱油浸过一样。

5.Among customers used to vague claims about chakras and crystals, a pttle seaweed seems to go a long way.对于已经习惯了印度纺纱车和水晶之类模糊宣传用语的消费者,一点点海草概念好像也能维持很久。

6.Seaweed is one of those so-rare wonder foods that while being high in nutrition also happen to be spectacularly low in calories.海藻是罕见的神奇食物之一,它不仅营养价值高,而且卡路里也惊人地低。

7.So the next time you see a chunk of seaweed . . . notice the beauty of it, yes.所以下次你碰见一大片海藻时,要毫不犹豫的欣赏它的美。

8.The dhow had gone down with them; they were tossing among the rocks and seaweed , so much human drift on the great ocean of Death !独桅船也和他们一起沉没了,他们此时正在石缝中和海草上飘泊。啊,多少人在死神般的大海上随波逐流!

9.I discovered I scream the same way whether I'm about to be devoured by a great white shark or if a piece of seaweed touches my foot.我发现无论是一只大白鲨咬着我不放,还是我的脚不小心触碰到海藻,我都会以同样的声调尖叫。

10.A year later I was doing a seaweed wrap. No, I was just kidding. I was, a year later, yeah, I was just hanging out, which is. . .一年以后,我在做海苔卷。不,我只是开玩笑。一年以后,我只是在闲散地放松,有点…