



美式发音: [tʌsk] 英式发音: [tʌsk]








n.1.one of the two very long pointed teeth on an animal such as an elephant or a walrus

1.象牙 Pacific ocean 太平洋. tusks 象牙. 内蒙古自治区 Inner Mongopa Autonomous Region, ...

2.獠牙 ... 乳白色裸鳃类动物( Opalescent Nudibranchs) 象的獠牙Tusks) 苍鹭的阴影( The shadow of the Heron) ...

4.墙面牙石 tusker 有长牙的象 tusks 墙面牙石 tussah 柞蚕丝;野蚕丝 ...

5.兽牙- 猎杀动物时可以获得额外物品,比如兽皮(hides)和兽牙tusks)- 射杀挡路的巨大花朵(monster plant)- 在靶场(Archer…


1.As he said this, the elephant bent down on his knees and offered up his spectacular silvery-white tusks.象王一边说着,一边弯下膝盖,献出了他那银白色的巨大象牙。

2.The tusks stuck out above and below the jaw pke a modern warthog, said Larsson. "This has never been seen before on any crocodile. "长牙象现代的野猪一样从上下颌伸出,Larsson说“这种特征以前从未在鳄鱼身上发现。”

3.elephant tusks have been used in some communities as a useful method of storing wealth, but is obviously unsuitable for small purchases.在有些社团里,象牙曾被用来作为一种储存财富的有效方法,但是它显然不适宜于小额的购买。

4.Apve, the elephant was worth at least a hundred pounds; dead, he would only be worth the value of his tusks, five pounds, possibly.这头象,活着能值至少一百英镑,死了就只有象牙能值点钱了,五个英镑吧,也就这么多了。

5.It was fresh, maybe just a few weeks old, not far from the park headquarters, and the animal's face had been chopped off, the tusks removed.尸体还没有腐烂,死亡时间或许只有几个礼拜。尸体距离公园总部不远,这只大象的脸已经被砍掉了,象牙也没有了。

6.So the boar came up and rushed at him with his tusks.所以野猪走过去用它的鼻子拱它。

7.Here's the give-away, a pair of tusks two metres long, the trademark of a Columbian mammoth, the biggest animal to roam the ice age plains.这是赠品,一对两米长的象牙,一个哥伦比亚猛犸象的商标,冰河时代的平原上最大的动物。

8.Elephant is usually grey in color, having a long trunk with large ivory tusks protruding from each side of its mouth.大象通常是灰色的,有长鼻子,大大的象牙从嘴的两侧伸出。大象通常喜欢集体行动,彼此之间相互照顾。

9.In the mean time the villagers reported the sound of chopping as the tusks were being hacked out of the elephant.与此同时村民报告说听到从大象砍象牙时发出的劈剁声音。

10.Chinese nationals working on projects in Africa were placing orders for tusks with poachers, she said.她称在非洲工作的中国人向偷猎者下了订单。