




1.一切都很好 ... -Cal:That's it,yeah. 对,没错。 Everything is fine. 一切都很好。 Vete a la casa,ahora. 你现在回家。 ...

2.一切都好 ... B:Nice to meet you,too. 我也很高兴认识你。 B:Everything is fine. 一切都好。 A:How do you do? 你好。 ...

3.一切都正常 ... 一切母: Visvamata 一切都正常Everything is fine 衣脚边: hem/bottom ...

4.一切顺利 ... -Zach:He said that he was. 他说过他会的 -Mrs. Applewhite:Everything is fine. 一切都不错。 ...

6.一切都很完美 With a bit of rock music 有摇滚乐 Everything is fine 一切都很完美 You、re in the mood for a dance 你跳舞的情绪正高昂 ...

7.一切都很美好暖气片幻化出来的可爱女士,她唱歌安慰无助的亨利:“一切都很美好” (everything is fine),以此来暂且逃离不堪的生活。

8.一切事情都很好 ... Without God 没有上帝 Everything is fine 一切事情都很好 It is ridiculous to think 非常可笑地去认为 ...


1.Gordon: Everything is fine. I'm just a pttle short on cash at the moment.戈登:一切都很好,只是眼下有点儿缺钱。

2.The patient has no appetite at all but tells with a smile that everything is fine.病人根本没有食欲,却笑着说一切都好

3.The moment you think everything is fine and you've adjusted, some silly thing will happen to throw you off.就在你认为一切都没问题、你已经适应的时候,又会无端地冒出个事情给你带来改变。

4.Everything is fine with me. And I might be home by the end of this month for two days.这里一切都好,这个月底我可能回去两天。

5.Everything is fine with me; there is no need for you to be concerned.我这里一切都好,不用挂念。

6."It is neither possible, nor practical, nor acceptable to return to conducting business as usual, as if everything is fine, " he said.他说:“就像什么都没有发生过那样继续(美国主导的和平进程)不可能也不现实,根本不可接受。”

7.Everything is fine. But I need you to do some research. See what dirt you can dig up on this.一切都好但我需要你做点调查看看你能从这个人身上挖到多少料

8.If you think everything is fine for women, you don't need to be a feminist.如果你觉得对女人来说一切很好的话,你就不需要成为女性主义者。

9.You may have to act pke everything is fine when you would rather curl up in a ball.当你很想逃避问题时,你可能不得不装作一切顺利。

10.It's been some time since we have talked to each other and I hope everything is fine with you.它已有一段时间,因为我们有彼此谈话,我希望一切是与你的罚款。