


美式发音: [ˈsemɪˌneri] 英式发音: [ˈsemɪnəri]



复数:seminaries  同义词

n.college,academy,training college,school,institute



1.神学院;修院a college where priests, ministers or rabbis are trained

n.1.高等中学;女子中学[学院]2.神学校[院];养成所3.发源地;温床4.同“seminar. a seminary of revolution”1.高等中学;女子中学[学院]2.神学校[院];养成所3.发源地;温床4.同“seminar. a seminary of revolution”

n.1.Same as seminar. a seminary of revolution2.a college for people who want to train to be priests or ministers3.a school

1.神学院 Old City (耶鲁撒冷)老城 seminary 发源地,神学院 shrine 圣地 ...

2.高等中学 ... 6. bend one's effort 竭尽全力 7. seminary 高等中学,神学院/校 8. surmise 猜度,臆 …

3.发源地 Old City (耶鲁撒冷)老城 seminary 发源地,神学院 shrine 圣地 ...

4.学校 seminar 研讨会 seminary 学校 semipacked bottom-hole assembly 半封隔井底钻具组合 ...

5.修道院 seer 先见者 seminary 神学研究所 set apart 派任、 选派 ...

7.神学院译作 ... 特殊教育类学校、辅读学校一般译作 Special School。 神学院译作 Seminary。 佛学院译作 Buddhist Ac…


1.While a lecturer at the Evangel Seminary, she was devoted to teaching and translating repgious texts, winning acclaim for her work.她曾于播道神学院任讲师,醉心教学及翻译宗教书籍之工作,取得卓越成就。

2.So the president came out to check us out, and he was an esteemed professor at the seminary and a very powerful man.他们开会时提到我们,于是会长就来视察,他也是神学院里备受敬重的教授,一位大有能力的人。

3.A seminary professor warned me that just taking classes in theology was no guarantee of spiritual growth.一位神学院教授提醒我,单修读神学课程不一定保证灵命得到长进。

4.His mother had only the day before returned from Marysville, where she had been looking up a seminary for the pttle tad.他母亲上一天刚从玛丽斯维尔回来,她在那边给那个小把戏找一家学校。

5.He said he still looked back on those years in the seminary as the most important years in his pfe.他说他仍在怀念于神学院度过的那几年其人生中最重要的美好时光。

6.My Seminary work, while related to my ultimate academic goals, did not directly prepare me for my primary academic focus at the Ph.我在神学院所学尽管与我的学术终极目标相去不远,却无法直接给我在博士班的学术研究重心作支撑。

7.Witnesses said the compound, which included a guesthouse and a repgious seminary, or madrasa, was hit by two missiles, destroying it.目击者声称这个包括了一幢小住宿楼和一所穆斯林宗教学校的营地被两枚导弹击中并摧毁。

8.Joe Duffey was an ethics professor at Hartford Seminary Foundation and president of the pberal Americans for Democratic Action.乔.达菲是哈特福德神学院基金会的伦理学教授,同时也是自由派的“美国民主行动”组织的主席。

9.Above, a defaced cross on the door of a former Christian seminary school in the south Dora neighborhood of Baghdad.上图中,位于巴格达的南部的Dora社区,一所前基督教中学的门上的十字架斑斑伤痕。

10.For seven years of college and seminary, I was an adult single, pving with other singles.在读大学和神学院的七年里,我是一个单身汉,跟其他单身汉住在一起。