


美式发音: [nuˈtrɪʃəs] 英式发音: [njuːˈtrɪʃəs]




Adj.+n.nutritious diet





1.有营养的;营养丰富的very good for you; containing many of the substances which help the body to grow

tasty and nutritious meals既可口又有营养的饭菜


adj.1.nutritious foods provide the substances that people need in order to be healthy

1.滋养 normal( 中性皮肤) nutritious滋养) oil-control( 抑制油脂) ...

2.有营养的 nutrition n 营养 △ nutritious adj 有营养的;滋养的 △ protein n 蛋白质 △ ...

3.滋养的 nutrition n 营养 △ nutritious adj 有营养的;滋养的 △ protein n 蛋白质 △ ...

4.有营养成分的 whole-grain:adj. 整粒的 nutritious:adj. 有营养成分的,营养的 tender:adj. 嫩的 ...

5.营养价值高的 5. fortified: (营养)强化的。 8. nutritious: 营养价值高的。 4. yoghurt: 酸奶。 ...

6.营养丰富的3 制作面包的原料是面粉,奶酪,鸡蛋,水等等。4 随着时间的流逝中国人逐渐喜欢上了这种方便(convenient)而又营养丰富


1.There was a dramatic improvement within a few days after addition of vitamin C and starting highly nutritious food.有一个显着改善在几天之后除了维生素C和起点高营养的食物。

2.Xia and Shang nutritious meals to match up well, especially after eating ordinary fast food is not the kind of feepng greasy taste.夏商营养餐搭配得不错,特别是吃完后感觉没有普通快餐的那种油腻味。

3.This corn got a nutritious boost when scientists this year introduced seven genes that made it a viable source of four vitamins.今年,科学家们把七段基因导入了这种玉米,由此它的营养水平大为提升,可以提供四种维生素。

4.You can put everything you want inside a sandwich. They are easy to clean-up after, nutritious and come in hundreds of different kinds.你可以在三明治里面加入你想加的任何东西。吃完后很容易清理,又有营养,而且有成百上千种做法。

5.But eating a nutritious breakfast doesn't have to mean eating bark and gravel in a bowl with a bit of milk on top.但话说回来,一顿营养丰富的早餐并不意味着把乱七八糟的东西扔进牛奶泡来吃。

6.Even those that boast whole grains typically remove the germ, one of the more nutritious parts of a whole grain kernel.即使是那些号称由全谷物制成的,基本上都除去了内核——也就是谷粒中最具营养的部分。

7.Not a free ride, but at least a subsidised one. NUTRITIOUS or not, when you are hungry the promise of a meal is welcome.不管是否有营养,人饥饿时,有人答应给饭吃都是受欢迎的。

8."We don't have enough food, and a lot of what we have is not nutritious enough to keep kids healthy, " she said.她说:“我们没有足够的食物,而且我们现有的许多食物缺乏营养,不足以保障孩子们的健康。”

9.This is not good for the children, their behaviour and my own efforts to feed them something nutritious.这不利于孩子的健康,不利于培养他们的举止,对我自己为了让他们吃些有营养的东西而做出的努力也没有益处。

10.If it goes on pke this, we will have no fresh air to breath, no pure water to drink and no nutritious food to eat.长此下去,我们将呼吸不到新鲜空气,喝不到纯净的水,吃不到营养的食物了。