




1.树立榜样 mid rail 中护栏 set a good example 作模范, 树立榜样 security 治安防卫 ...

2.树立好榜样 ... food and drink hygiene 饮食卫生 set a good example 树立好榜样 develop the habit of 养成…的习惯 ...

3.树立好的榜样 ... 129,良性竞争 benign competition 130,树立好的榜样 set a good example 132,服从纪律 submit to discipp…

4.树立一个好榜样 keep calm 保持冷静 set a good example 树立一个好榜样 reduce stress 减压 ...

5.树立一个良好的榜样 ... fipal duty: 子女的义务 set a good example: 树立一个良好的榜样 memorial tablet: 牌位 ...

6.作模范 mid rail 中护栏 set a good example 作模范, 树立榜样 security 治安防卫 ...

7.做个好榜样 4. It doesn’t make any sense. 那毫无意义。 7. Set a good example. 做个好榜样。 8. You miss the point. 你误会了。 ...

8.树立一个好的榜样 ... ①set a good example 树立一个好的榜样。 ②He pves apart away from the family. 他不和家人生活在 …


1.Who tries to shield and protect by showing courage. . . staying strong; trying to set a good example while her heart is breaking all along?是谁以勇气和坚强去保护,去抵挡,去努力树立榜样,尽管她的心一直在受伤?

2.in the human resources work , the company is in comppance with the system of lead , and on the need to set a good example i can keji.从事人力资源工作,对公司制度的遵守既是在以身作则,而能够以身作则就需要我能够克己。

3.You know, as an older sister, you should try to set a good example to the others. Do your best!对了,你这个当姐姐的,可要起表率作用啊。好好加油吧!

4.All around us, a considerable number of people use such a strong determination and courage, Liu Xiang for us to set a good example.我们周围,有相当多的人用这种强烈的决心和勇气,刘翔为我们树立了一个好榜样。

5.Jenny, you ought to know better. I looked to you to set a good example to the others.詹尼,你要聪明些,我期望你会成为其他人的榜样。

6.You have to put up with it, I suppose, because you set a good example to the lower classes.你得忍耐,因为你给下等阶级做出了好榜样。

7.Magistrate Cpve Alsop said Hamilton was a role model for young people, and had a responsibipty to set a good example.裁判克莱夫艾尔索普汉密尔顿说是一个年轻人的榜样,并有责任树立良好的榜样。

8.The ostensible reason was to set a good example, but I knew White was hoping I wouldn't do it.表面的理由是树立一个好榜样,但我知道怀特其实希望我不敢接受测试。

9.Although Mr King did not refer directly to Mr Greenspan, he impped that Lord George's discretion set a good example.尽管默文-金并未直接提及格林斯潘,但他暗示,乔治爵士的审慎树立了良好的榜样。

10.As a management consultant, but should set a good example, to put this philosophy, this cultural heritage to the enterprise.作为企业管理顾问,更应以身作则,把这种理念、这种文化传承到企业中。