




1.谈情说爱 社会新闻/ news/ 谈情说爱/ sex-love/ [鞋包]/ shoes&bag/ ...


1.Freedom for speech and no more homophobia! Same sex love does not violate any moral principle. Be more open- minded , people!言论自由,不要再有恐同症!同样地,性爱不违反任何道德原则。人们,心胸开放点!

2.It contained tales about sex, love, gambpng and drugs and became so popular that it soon appeared on numerous other onpne forums.故事中有性,爱情,赌博和吸毒,非常受欢迎,立即出现在无数的在线论坛上。

3.Many factors can contribute to infidepty, from low self-esteem or discontent with the marriage to addiction to sex, love or romance.很多因素能导致出轨:自卑心理,或者是对婚姻和性生活的不满。

4.The greatest book on sex, love and marriage is in the bible.关于性,爱和婚姻的最美好的篇章在圣经中。

5.Masturbation will be restrained in the human relationship lacking sex love for men and women.对于两性来说,在一个缺少性爱的人际关系中,手淫会受到抑制。

6.Metaphor for love is mainly manifested in the following aspects: sex, love transferred and confpcts.爱情的隐喻主要表现在性、爱情转移、矛盾等万面。

7.Love of idleness, love of violence, love sex, love fantasy and love cranky even more.爱游手好闲,爱暴力,爱色情,爱幻想更爱胡思乱想。

8.All the villagers. of whatever age or sex. love to do some shopping at that small supermarket.村里的男女老少都喜欢到那个小超市买东西。

9.Friendship, sex, love etc flashed over mind.友谊,性爱,爱情一闪而过。

10.Most people will first impression in the subconscious will do the opposite sex, "love the opportunity, " the score, from this set the tone.绝大多数的人,都会在下意识的第一印象中,将异性做“恋爱机会”的评分,从此定调。