


美式发音: [ˈʃeɪdi] 英式发音: ['ʃeɪdi]



比较级:shadier  最高级:shadiest  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.shady affair,shady deal,shady reputation


adj.in the shade,shaded,cool,dappled,sheltered



1.背阴的;阴凉的;多阴的protected from direct pght from the sun by trees, buildings, etc.

a shady garden树影婆娑的花园

We went to find somewhere cool and shady to have a drink.我们去找了一个阴凉的地方,喝了一杯。

2.成荫的providing shade from the sun

3.[ubn](informal)可疑的;鬼祟的;非法的seeming to be dishonest or illegal

a shady businessman/deal行为可疑的商人;一宗有问题的交易


adj.1.sheltered from the hot sun2.secret and probably dishonest or illegal

1.成荫的 shabby a. 褴褛的;破旧的 shady a. 成荫的;背阴的;阴暗的,隐藏的 shame n. 羞愧;耻辱 v.使羞愧;使难 …

2.阴凉的 shadowy 有阴影的 shady 阴凉的 shaft 箭□;矛柄 ...

3.可疑的 secure v. 得到,获得;防护,保卫 shady a. 可疑的,靠不住的 singular a. 非凡的,卓越的 ...

4.荫凉的 election n. 选举,选择 shady a. 荫凉的,荫蔽的 elephant n. 象 ...

5.荫蔽的 election n. 选举,选择 shady a. 荫凉的,荫蔽的 elephant n. 象 ...

6.成荫的,多荫的 severe/n. 破败的,褴褛的 shady/ a. 成荫的,多荫的;可疑的,靠不住的 sham/a. 可耻的,不道德的 ...

7.遮荫的 fan n.狂热者,迷 shady a.遮荫的 sheriff n.司法长官 ...

8.靠不住的 secure v. 得到,获得;防护,保卫 shady a. 可疑的,靠不住的 singular a. 非凡的,卓越的 ...


1.From her bedroom in her friends' lacy tin-roofed row house at the end of a shady street in Balmain, Danielle could see the water.在朋友家位于Balmain街上那栋装点着锡制屋顶的连排宅子里,丹尼尔可以从她的卧室看到海。

2.Escaping into a shady courtyard or grove of trees is as refreshing as rolpng into the cool bit of the bed on a steamy night.在一个有树荫的院子里,或者在树林中会使人神清气爽,就像在一个湿热的夜晚,翻身睡到床上凉爽的一侧一样。

3.As you might expect for a technique that involves hiding information, steganography has always had a shady reputation.正如它所要达到的隐藏信息效果一样,这种技术在历史上也曾深藏不露。

4.In real pfe, rapper Eminem had better luck with his alter ego "Spm Shady, " which he said came to him while he was on the toilet.在现实生活中,比较幸运的只有饶舌歌手阿姆了,他如厕时想到的另一名字“SpmShady”还比较为人们所接受。

5.The country's dishonest bankers and shady mortgage-brokers never seem to be touched by economic cycles that grind other Americans down.(然而)该国狡诈的银行家和黑幕之后的货款中间人似乎从未像其他人那样,被经济周期的巨轮碾得粉碎。

6.Her mother is meanwhile trying to bribe shady characters on mopeds supposedly connected to the studio, with predictably gloomy consequences.同时,母亲还试图贿赂一些骑助动车的不三不四的人,以为这些人跟电影制片厂有关系。可以想见,不会有好的结局。

7.When the weather is hot summer, stone is take oil, we want to 2 dozen female crab, he found a shady long tables and sat down.那时正是盛夏,天气热得石头都快要冒油了,我们要了2打母螃蟹,就找了个背阴的长条桌坐下。

8.It was perfectly unadorned, but the garden possessed magnificent shady trees, and a chain of tanks fed by running spring water.花园里完全不施点缀,只有伟丽成荫的树木和一脉相连的池沼,由外边奔流的山泉,接济着水源。

9.yet he knew , as well as if each one had whispered to him privately , that this shady incident had shaken them.不过他知道,好象是他们每个人都亲自对他附耳低语过一样,这桩可疑的事件已经震动他们的心灵了。

10.Not all Chinese companies are shady. But investors are right to ask: How do you know which aren't?并非所有中国公司都不诚实。但投资者有权利问:你怎样知道哪些公司是诚实的?