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网络释义:基督教青年会(Young Men's Christian Association);基督教青年协会;基督教男青年会



1.基督教青年会Young Men's Christian Association (an organization that exists in many countries and provides accommodation and social and sports activities)

We stayed at the YMCA.我们住在基督教青年会。

abbr.1.(=Young Men's Christian Association)基督教青年会

abbr.1.(=Young Men's Christian Association)

1.基督教青年会(Young Men's Christian Association)之后在基督教青年会YMCA )担任成人教育指导员,并担任美国成人教育协会( The Adult Education Association of The U.S…

2.基督教青年协会基督教青年协会Ymca)的普罗斯(Gerard Pross)又介绍已差不多有十年历史的『共建』活动,由属於任何宗派的所有基督 …

3.基督教男青年会主要是在基督教男青年会YMCA)里,表现着很自然的宗教生活。青年会在我们学院、弗吉尼亚州和其他地方,都起到了生气 …

4.广州基督教青年会广州基督教青年会YMCA)始创于1909年,是一个有基督教性质,推动义工(志愿者)运动发展的国际性、宗教性社会服务 …

5.港青第 8 张是港青(YMCA)的房间摆设分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO!

6.基督教男青年会招待所基本上仅限于基督教男青年会招待所YMCA)或基督教女青年会招待所(YWCA)、青年招待所和一、两处学生住宿接待中心 …


1.We were asked to go to the YMCA to be a semi-adult presence at some events for high schoolers and we sort of adopted three of them.我们受邀作为准成年人参加了基督教青年会为高中生举办的一些活动,而且差不多算是“领养”了三个孩子。

2.YMCA staff has the right to reject the entry of any persons without membership cards or authorized document. 4.如未能出示会员证或有关证明文件,港青职员有权拒绝任何人士进入健身中心。

3.Yet the facts suggest that he sometimes acted pke an overly enthusiastic YMCA director.但是事实指出,他有时候却像个过度狂热的YMCA领导人。

4.The first motive of this study is to analyze why the YMCA, as a folk association, could make such tremendous influences over China.有关基督教青年会为何以一民间社团的力量会对中国造成如此深远的影响力,此即为本研究之动机之一;

5.They were followed by trucks carrying people dancing and waving to the beat of pop songs pke the Village People's hit "YMCA. "她们身后是许多辆卡车,上面载着舞动的人们,他们随着流行歌曲的节奏摇摆,像是当年村民组合演唱YMCA一般。

6.They donate all the profits from the maze to organizations pke the YMCA and the Marine Corps .他们将所有从迷宫经营获取的利润都捐给诸如基督教青年和海军陆战队这一类的机构。

7.On Friday nights there was always a dance in the gym of the local YMCA.每到周五晚上,当地人都会在基督教青年会的健身房举行舞会。

8.I began to get interested in YMCA work.我开始对基督教青年会的工作产生兴趣了。

9.Jewish girl, left, and her Christian friend play while painting eggs for Easter at the Jerusalem International YMCA Preschool.耶路撒冷国际基督教青年会幼儿园里,一名犹太女孩(左)和她的基督教朋友边玩边涂复活节彩蛋。

10.Check community papers, local message boards, the YMCA and community centers for free or inexpensive dance lessons.翻翻社区报纸,查查本地信息板,到基督教青年会和社区中心,看看有没有免费或便宜的舞蹈课程。