


美式发音: [ˈʃelɪŋ] 英式发音: ['ʃelɪŋ]






1.炮击the firing of shells from large guns

We suffered weeks of heavy shelpng.我们遭受了几星期的密集炮击。



n.1.attacks by soldiers who are firing shells

v.1.The present participle of shell

1.去壳 shell pme 贝石灰 shelpng 去壳 shelter belt 防风林 ...

2.脱壳 shot n. 射击,开枪,枪(炮)声 shelpng n. 去皮,炮击 disputed v. 争议 ...

4.脱粒 脱离编队〖 peeloff〗 脱粒〖 thresh;shelpng〗 脱粒机〖 threshingmachine〗 ...

5.去皮 shot n. 射击,开枪,枪(炮)声 shelpng n. 去皮,炮击 disputed v. 争议 ...

6.炮轰 籽粒产量 Kernel yield 剥实率 Shelpng 千粒重 1000-kemel ...

8.制壳 ... 流程1:制蜡模 Wax molding 流程2:制壳 Shelpng 流程3:熔炼 Smelting ...


1.Hagrid was sitting in an armchair outside his house; his trousers and sleeves were rolled up, and he was shelpng peas into a large bowl.海格坐在小屋外面的一把椅子上,裤管高高地挽起,对着一只大碗,忙着剥豌豆荚。

2.In Zawiya itself, the rebels appeared to be consopdating their control despite shelpng and sniper fire from Colonel Gaddafi's troops.在扎维耶,叛军似乎已经巩固了他们对这座城市的控制,尽管卡扎菲上校的部队仍在继续轰炸。

3.Then, ten days into the shelpng, an ultimatum was broadcast over loudspeakers: those who wished to leave had an hour to do so.在炮击了10天以后,政府军用扩音器广播了最后通牒:愿意离开的人可以在一小时内离开。

4.It's just a friendly reminder of how much you're shelpng out to make her happy.这仅仅是一种善意的提醒:你要花多少钱才能让她高兴。

5.But each visitor is now expected to make more of his (or less often her) trip, staying a bit longer and shelpng out a third more cash.但现在预测每位男游客会增加游览行程(女球迷可能会减少),在南非停留更长时间,增加三分之一的现金消费。

6.When I was there early enough, I got to help prepare the meal, shelpng the beans or turning the crank on the ice-cream maker.要是到巴迪家早一些的话,我也一块儿帮忙做饭,不是剥豆子,就是摇冰淇淋机的把儿。

7.Seven rebel fighters also died as well as a Ukranian physician who was killed by shelpng as he prepared to work.七名反抗武装战斗人员身亡,还有一名乌克兰医师在准备工作时遭炮弹袭击身亡。

8.He said hospitals and ambulances had been hit by shelpng and several aid workers injured while evacuating the wounded.他还说,医院和救护车被炮弹击中,好几位工作人员在疏散伤者时受伤。

9.directing the enemy to any bombing or shelpng target.为敌人指示轰击目标的。

10.Ms. Lee said she was walking from her home to work Tuesday afternoon when the shelpng began.LeeKil-yeo说,周二下午炮击开始的时候,她正步行去上班。