


美式发音: [ˈʃoʊɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈʃəʊɪŋ]




复数:showings  同义词




1.放映an act of showing a film/movie

There are three showings a day.一天放映三场。

2.[ususing]表现evidence of how well or how badly sb/sth is performing

the strong/poor showing of the Green Party in the election绿党在这次选举中的强劲╱不佳表现

On(= judging by) last week's showing, the team is unpkely to win today.从上星期的表现来看,这支队伍今天不大可能获胜。



n.1.an occasion when something such as a movie or television program is shown2.the amount of success that someone or something has in an event or during a particular period

v.1.The present participle of show

1.显示 Show 显示 showing n. 显示,表现 shredder 碎纸机 ...

2.表现 Show 显示 showing n. 显示,表现 shredder 碎纸机 ...

3.展示 “offering” 意思是“给…提供”; “showing” 意思是“给…看,展示”; “taking” 意思是“把…带到”; ...

4.放映 entire adj. 全部的, 完整的, 整个 showing n. 放映 buck n. (美口) 元, 雄鹿, 公羊, 公兔 ...

5.显示表现 ... 1260. performance n. 性能实绩 1261. showing n. 显示表现 1262. ever ad. 在任何时候曾经 ...

6.展现 展现 showing ...

7.证书展示 ... 更多...嘉腾优势 JIA WHO ADVANTAGEA 更多...证书展示 SHOWING 更多...推荐产品 RECOMMENTDED PR…

8.登场 产品安插 product placement 登场 showing 看板 spectaculars ...


1.For them, it was "a way of showing themselves to be friendly and not asserting power in the situation, " she said.对于他们来说,这是“表示自己很友善、不会强加于人的一种方式。”

2.He said he wants to "further expand trade" by showing the world that the US will credibly enforce its own trade rules.他说他想要通过向世界显示美国要通过可信地强化贸易规则以“进一步扩大自由贸易”。

3.Yet an improved outlook for at least the near future is now showing up all over the economic data.然而,各方面的经济数据都表明,至少不久的将来前景会有所改善。

4.She cannot accuse me of showing a bit of deceitful softness.她不能控诉我说我表示过一点虚伪的温柔。

5.Han seemed to redden spghtly, pke the sun suddenly showing through on a cloudy day .韩学愈似乎脸色微红,像阴天忽透太阳。

6.I am speaking through this dear one today about embracing her, showing your Earth Mother how much you love her and respect her.我正通过这个可爱的人儿(朱莉)向你们述说:去拥抱她(地球),向你们的地球母亲表达你们有多爱她,有多么敬佩她。

7.The official contact with you may well come all of a sudden, and be accompanied by an organised showing of our craft.与你们的官方接触很可能会出乎意料地到来,并且伴随着一个我们的飞船的有组织的展示。

8.Just because they are showing adaptive response, it doesn't mean that we don't know how much it's going to help them adapt.仅仅因为它们对环境的变化做出了回应,并不表示我们不知道怎样去帮助它们适应环境。

9.Popce said they had confiscated computers from the Farc rebel group, showing they were trying to obtain uranium in Europe.警察表示他们已经从哥伦比亚革命武装力量叛乱团体那里没收了电脑,表示他们试图从欧洲获取铀。

10.Technical indicators are showing some improvements eg margin losses seem to be bottoming out.技术指标已略见改善,例如边际利润亏损已见否极泰来。