

red shift

美式发音: ['redʃɪft] 英式发音: ['redʃɪft]






n.1.a shift in the spectrum of an astronomical object towards longer wavelengths, or towards the red end of the spectrum, caused by its motion away from Earth.

1.红移将告诉天文学家这些星系看上去究竟有多远,以及依 据红向移动(redshift)应当绘制的实际距离.红向移动是由于宇宙膨胀导致的 …

5.红移效应■ 红移效应redshift)、蓝移效应(blueshift):【阅读】p.398补充红位移:第一段讲20世纪以前大家都以为宇宙是在缩小中的…

6.红位移你问「红位移」(Redshift)是怎麽发生的,我先解释一下「红位移」是什麽!根据大霹雳(Big Bang)理论,宇宙是由一个无 …

7.红移因子2.3.3 红移因子(redshift) z173 几种常见的暗能量模型17-20 3.1 宇宙学常数17-18 3.2 标量场暗能量模型18-20 3.2.1 Quintessenc…


1.It's sort of pioneering in many ways, because doing this kind of detailed study of a galaxy at a very high redshift is extremely difficult.AndrewBenson说,“从多方面看,这都是一种开创,因为对具有高红移的星系做这种详细的研究是非常困难的。”

2.This phenomenon, known as redshift, is neatly explained as a stretching of pght waves by the expansion of space.这个现象被称为红移,并简单的解释为由于空间膨胀光波被拉伸。

3.The amount of redshift they found that appeared to be caused by gravity agreed exactly with the predictions of general relativity.他们发现的红移量,似乎是由引力所引起,其数量恰好与广义相对论的预测相符合。

4.The film has obvious redshift phenomenon and its euphotic rate reduces with the increases of the number of coating layer.镀膜层数增加,薄膜有明显红移现象并且透光率会降低。

5.this effect , known as gravitational redshift , is not specific to black holes.这种称做重力红移的效应,并不是黑洞所特有。

6.The distant redshift, if confirmed, would also give valuable information about galaxy surroundings at the end of the universe's dark age.这个年轻星系如果能被证实,那么经由这份观测,就可以获得宇宙位于处在暗黑年代末期的一些重要信息。

7.Redshift refers to what happens when pght seen coming from an object is proportionally shifted to appear more red.红移是指当一个天体发出的光线看起来成比例地更偏向红色。

8.The redshift periodicity is evidence for past oscillations in the expansion rate of the universe. . .该红移的周期性是过去宇宙膨胀速率变化的证据…

9."The apparent orientation is biased because we measure orientation not with a compass or with a ruler but with redshift, " Marinoni says.“因为我们测量方向并不是用指南针或者尺子而是用红移,所以呈现的方向会有畸变,”马里诺尼说。

10.The dependence of gravitational redshift on different gravitational parameters makes it have many characteristics.引力红移效应对不同的引力参量的依赖性使它各具特点。