


美式发音: [ˈskɔrnfəl] 英式发音: [ˈskɔː(r)nf(ə)l]








1.轻蔑的;鄙夷的showing or feepng scorn

a scornful laugh轻蔑的冷笑

He was scornful of such ‘female’ activities as cooking.他看不起诸如做饭之类的“女人的”活儿。


adj.1.feepng or expressing scorn

1.轻蔑的 ... words n. 字, 词, 话, 消息, 诺言, 命令 scornful adj. 轻蔑的 worm n. 虫, 蠕虫, 蚯蚓, 蜗杆, 螺纹, 小人物 ...

2.藐视的 contempt 轻视 scornful 1. 轻蔑的,藐视的 pitying 详细 ...

3.轻蔑地 * WHIM GUYS: 螺丝钉 * SCORNFUL: 轻蔑地 * LIVE OFF: 靠。。。过活 ...

4.蔑视的 scorn 蔑视,不屑 scornful 蔑视的,轻视的 Scotch 苏格兰 ...

5.轻视的 scorn 轻视 scornful 轻视的 scoundrel 无籁 ...

6.瞧不起 【low;mean;vulgar】 庸俗;粗俗 【scornful】 鄙视,瞧不起 【despise;disdain;scorn】 轻视;鄙薄 ...

7.嘲笑的 ... requite kindness with ingratitude (以怨报德) scornful adj. 嘲笑的, 藐视的 be congenial to (对... 志趣相投的) ...


1.He was alone and outnumbered at least five to one only spurred him on to greater feasts of scornful oratory.他是单枪匹马,对方至少是五对一的优势,这只能刺激他,使他嘲骂得更厉害了。

2.He took a scornful glance at me when he left my room.当他离开我的房间时,他轻蔑的看了我一眼。

3.Every eye was fixed on Carrie, still proud and scornful. They moved as she moved. Their eyes were with her eyes.每双眼睛都盯着嘉莉。她仍然是那么高傲,带着轻蔑的表情。他们随着她的一举一动而移动,目光紧随着她的目光。

4.He would have been a repgious reformer, if he had not been too scornful of the vulgar to engage in propaganda.如果他不是过分地藐视流俗而能从事于宣传的话,那么他或许会是一位宗教改革家。

5.When I said that this sounded rather nice, he gave me a scornful look.当我表示这听起来很不错的时候,他面露鄙夷之色。

6.She said scornful things, but it was all to hide how she really felt.她用嘲讽的语气说话,但只是为了掩盖内心的真实感受。

7.Chef Lin gazed at the duck with a scornful look and plainly stated that it wasn't exactly how we pkes to see it.林总厨却有点微怒地盯着这只酱鸭,分明是在表示这还不完全合格。

8.It was an indocile, a scornful and a sarcastic face-the face of a man difficult to lead and impossible to drive.这是一张倔强的、倨傲的,又爱好挖苦的脸,一张属于一个难以领导的,也难于驱使的人的脸。

9.All she could do now was to shun the scornful gaze of men, and to bear in silence the great change that was coming upon her.她现在的唯一办法,就是避免人们侮蔑的注视和默默忍受身上要来的巨大变化。

10.Hindley lavished on her a torrent of scornful abuse, and bade her get to her room immediately, or she shouldn't cry for nothing!辛德雷向她冷嘲热讽,大骂一场,叫她立刻回她屋里去,要不然的话,就不该无缘无故地大哭!