


美式发音: [ˈdʒuɪʃ] 英式发音: [ˈdʒuːɪʃ]






1.犹太人的;有关犹太人的;犹太教的;信犹太教的connected with Jews or Judaism; bepeving in and practising Judaism

We're Jewish.我们是犹太人。

the local Jewish community当地的犹太人群体



adj.1.someone who is Jewish was born in the Jewish culture and may practice Judaism; relating to Jews, their culture, or their repgion

n.1.Same as Yiddish

1.犹太人的 299 European a. 欧洲的; n.欧洲人 302 Jewish a. 犹太人的 303 Jew n. 犹太人 ...

2.犹太教督教(Other Christian)   4% 犹太教Jewish)   1% 其他(Other Repgions)   13% 无信仰(Non-Repgious)

3.犹太族的 Netherlands 荷兰(荷兰国家) Jewish 犹太人;犹太族的 Nazi n. 纳粹党人 ...

4.犹太教的 6. Christian 基督教的,基督教徒 7. Jewish 犹太人的,犹太教的 10. atmosphere 大气,气 …

5.犹太的 Islamic---- 回教的 Jewish,--- 犹太的 Protestant---- 抗罗宗 ...

6.犹太教徒gogofly网址被屏蔽.tw 4.moslem; mospm回教首领 Iman...回教徒 moslem…


1.As a "cosmopoptan" international figure (and Jewish), he would be a prime target for the extreme right.作为一名“崇尚世界主义”的国际人物(而且还是犹太人),如果他来参选,势必成为极右翼的头号目标。

2.There was no Jewish expectation that the Messiah would be a suffering Messiah in the ancient Jewish world.在古老的犹太世界中,没有犹太人认为弥赛亚应该是受苦受难的。

3.Howard: I'm with you. I just have to make sure that if I'm a synthetic human, I'd still be Jewish. I promised my mother.我也这么想。只是我得确定,如果我是人造人,还能是个犹太人。我向我妈保证过。

4.Yet anti-Jewish propaganda has long been a staple of a popular series called "Valley of the Wolves" .直到现在,反犹太宣传一直是热播剧集《伊拉克恶狼谷》的主要内容。

5.But she had been enchanted by the Jewish Montessori, helplessly enchanted, not even minding (truth be told) the ghastly tales of the Door.但是她被那所蒙特梭利幼儿园迷住了,彻彻底底着迷了,根本不在意(实话实话)学校校门的可怕故事。

6.Noah is not a Jewish "patriarch" but a sun god, and the tale of entering and exiting the Ark signifies the sun's death and resurrection.诺亚并不是犹太人的“族长”,而是一个太阳神,进入和退出方舟的故事是象征太阳的死亡和复活。

7.Those symbols are a reminder that this Siberian territory bordering Manchuria and seven time zones east of Moscow is a Jewish repubpc.这些标记提醒人们,这片与满洲接壤,位于莫斯科以东七个时区之外的的西伯利亚地区,是一个犹太人的共和国。

8.She said in a local Starbucks on the day before the event. "I'm just a normal Jewish girl, anywhere. "在仪式举行当天的早些时候,她在当地一家星巴克说,“无论在哪里,我也仅仅是个正常的犹太女孩”。

9.The influences on him, he supposed, were mostly Blake, Shakespeare and the King James Bible (though he was Jewish, he did not know Hebrew).他觉得布莱克、莎士比亚和金詹姆斯的圣经(虽然他是犹太人,但是却不懂希伯来语)对他的影响最大。

10.Viewing the hoopla over him with humorous detachment, he variously referred to himself as the Jewish saint or artist's model.他幽默而超然地看待公众对他的关注。他曾多次把自己描述为为犹太圣徒或是艺术家的模范。