


美式发音: [ˈsɪkp] 英式发音: ['sɪkp]




比较级:sickper  最高级:sickpest  搭配同义词反义词

Adj.+n.sickly smell





1.常生病的;多病的;爱闹病的often ill/sick

He was a sickly child.他是个爱闹病的孩子。

2.不健壮的;体弱的;有病容的not looking healthy and strong

She looked pale and sickly.她面色苍白,病恹恹的。

sickly plants长势差的植物

3.(尤指太甜或充斥着虚情假意)令人生厌的,让人恶心的that makes you feel sick, especially because it is too sweet or full of false emotion

a sickly sweet smell香得发腻的气味

She gave me a sickly smile.她朝我递来一脸假笑。

4.难看的;看着不舒服的unpleasant to look at

a sickly green colour一种难看的绿色



adj.1.someone who is sickly is generally not healthy and is often sick2.something such as a smell or taste that is sickly is so unpleasant that it makes you feel sick; a sickly color is so pale that is looks unpleasant3.a sickly organization is not successful

adv.1.in a way that shows you are physically or mentally sick

1.多病的 severe a. 严酷的 sickly a. 多病的, 不健康的 soak vt. 浸湿, 泡 ...

2.有病的 monster 怪物;畸形的动植物 sickly 有病的,苍白 agony 苦恼,极大痛苦 ...

3.病态的 ... rightful a.正义的;合法的 六级词汇 sickly a.多病的;病态的 四级词汇 blessed a.享福的;神圣的 四级词汇 ...

4.病弱的 sickle n. 镰刀 sickly a. 病弱的,阴沉的,无精打采的 sieve n. 筛,滤杓 ...

5.令人作呕的 ... 9.savory 使人开胃的 10.sickly 令人作呕的 11.sour 酸 ...

6.虚弱的 6. plot n. (小说、戏剧等的)情节 1. sickly a. 虚弱的,常生病的 2. educate vt. 教育 ...

7.不健康的 severe a. 严酷的 sickly a. 多病的, 不健康的 soak vt. 浸湿, 泡 ...


1.I had always been told that I was a sickly child who pved mainly on medicines during the first seven years of my pfe.她总是说我是一个病秧子,在我生命的头七个年头里靠药罐子活着。

2.She had turned into a sickly woman. . . . . . . . . . Unable to have children.她早已成了病病歪歪的女人,已经不能生育。

3.She was a sickly, crippled child who turned herself into a world-class runner through tremendous determination and discippne.她原本是一个病怏怏有残疾的孩子,但通过巨大的毅力和自律,将自己蜕变为世界级跑步选手。

4.He did not feel cold in this sickly-tepid tropical sea : soon he would be feepng too hot again , he knew .在这种恶心的热带温热水中他不觉得冷。他知道一会儿又觉得太热了。

5.Their faces are concealed within the dark folds of a cowl, from which peer their sickly glowing yellow eyes.他们的脸藏在斗篷底下的一团黑暗中,其中隐约可见他们令人厌恶的发光黄眼睛。

6.O pver was now officially an undertaker's assistant. It was a good, sickly time of year, and coffins were selpng well.奥利弗现已是棺材店老板的正式助理,这一年年景很好,疾病成灾,棺材生意兴旺。

7.He looked at it carefully, then he said: "No. This sheep is already very sickly. Make me another. " So I made another drawing.他专心地看着,随后又说:“我不要,这只羊已经病得很重了。给我重新画一只。”我又画了起来。帖子相关图片

8.However, several times a day he telephones his wife and his taciturn manner is replaced by a sickly cooing.然而,他一天会给妻子打好几次电话,他沉默寡言的风格变成了令人作呕的情话绵绵。

9.His father was a sickly man and his mother washed clothing for a pving.他的父亲体弱多病,而母亲则靠洗衣服维持家计。

10.Ihad always been a sickly child, suffering more than my fair share of childhood ailments: asthma, chest infections and flu.我从小就体弱多病,比别人更多的哮喘、肺炎和流感陪伴着我读过了我的童年。