


网络释义:她(Uh Huh Her);噢;拿好


1.她(Uh Huh Her) ... Yeah I love the way you pe 也爱拉焐热为由来 Uhh ...

3.拿好 ... -Jeremy:Yeah. 好的 Uhh. 拿好 -Jeremy:Uh,I don't know. I thought... 呃我也不知道我觉得... ...

4.我说 宝贝别再哭泣了 Baby don’t cry 我说 Uhh 那不战而败的家伙自然输了 ain’t no hater but that nigga lost in the game ...

5.商品不全 (领带,泳衣等- -商品不全) UHH (防水服;婚纱-商品不全) QBP ...


1.But much of the water appeared to miss the reactor, dissipating in a mist of white. "Uhh , " a chorus of disappointed voices cried out.但是多数的水都没有撒到反应堆上,消散在一层白色的水雾中。人们异口同声的发出失望的声音,“啊!”

2.Chopper. Uhh , the air defense command just received multiple radar hits on an enemy formation closing on your position .嗯,防空司令部捕捉到敌机编队正向你们的方位靠近。

3.Uhh. . . let's see -Wait a minute, that was you? -Let's just give him a call. Ring-a-ding-ding! -Yeah, Moe's Tavern. What?嗯…让我们看看-等一下,那就是你的名字吗?-让我给他打电话试试。呤叮叮!-是啊,默伊旅馆。什么事?

4.Uhh, But if I fall, It ain't my fault, Breakin eyeballs, My insides crawl.但是如果我摔下去了,这不是我的错,撞碎了眼球,我的内心在挣扎。

5.Universal Helmet Holder for use with large ratcheting assembpes: The UHH-2-C may be mounted horizontally or vertically.适用于大型棘轮装配的通用头盔支架:UHH-2-C可水平安装或垂直安装。

6.Okey. . . Uhh. . . Oh! I can shut off the burners from here.了解…呃…喔!我可以从这里把喷火口关掉。

7.I was gonna teach, I was gonna, uhh, but I am having so much fun I want to do this for the rest of my pfe.传授技巧的时候乐在其中,我希望能一生都能继续这项工作。

8.Student: inaudible Prof. : uhh no not in that case. Why not in that case?学生:,教授:不,不是这样,为什么?

9.Our teenage son, asked the same question, mumbled, 'Uhh. . . good.而我们问十几岁的儿子同样的问题时,他却咕哝了句:‘唔……还不错。’

10.Over here? Uhh. . . to your right. Here. -Oh, hi, sorry. Hi.这里?嗯…你右边。这里。-哦,你好,对不起。你好。