




1.机甲 MECH plot 机械图 mech 机械的 mech 机械工 ...

3.机械助力 控制系统 / Speed control system 机械助力 / mech 液压助力 / hyd ...


5.机械工程 (EngM) 数学工程 (Mech) 机械工程 (Def) 国防科学 ...

6.机械层 印制板的外形边框应该用指定的唯一层绘制,一般是以机械层mech) 为准,避免用字符层、机械层、禁止布线层等多层绘 …

7.机械重制版税 http://www.hku.hk/statistics/ 统计及精算学系 http://www.hku.hk/mech/ 机械工程系 ...


1.The MagnaGuard quickly morphs his ship into mech mode and blasts the enemy with cannon fire.警卫机器人迅速把他的飞船变形成机械模式,然后用炮火轰击敌人。

2.This paper introduces one kind of automatic-regulation-for-uniformity device used in mech-electric comber.本文介绍了一种机电式梳棉机自调匀整装置。

3.He forced a smile her way, readjusted his mask, and ran to his own mech.麦克斯冲着她勉强一笑,调整了一下自己的面具,并跑向了他自己的机甲。

4.We might be flying different mech now but we're still the same squadron.我们也许现在飞着不同的机械,但我们仍是同一个中队。

5.Mech bepeves the genetic diversity and population growth rate in these numbers are sufficient for maintaining viable populations.米奇相信,这些数目所代表的遗传多样性与族群成长率,足够维持族群的续存。

6.Educational background: , Major in mechanical, mech-electrical, college degree.教育背景:机械、机电等相关专业,大专学历;

7.The mech's scanners caught sight of something up ahead, and Max called for increased intensity, studying the biosensor data displays.机甲的扫描仪捕捉到了前方的什么东西,麦克斯增强了显示强度,仔细查看生物传感器的数据显示。

8.Build prototype and evaluate the mech structure design in preparation for PTR and TR.建立模型并评估机械结构设计,为预试产和试产做准备;

9.The one-man mech based gameplay lets players pick where to spawn and offers lots of battle customization options.一个人机械的游戏让玩家选择在何处产卵,并提供了大量的战斗自定义选项。

10.We're in the mech hangar, attempting to assemble a new fighter squadron.我们在机械库,正试图组成一个新的战斗机中队。