


美式发音: [saɪn] 英式发音: [saɪn]







1.正弦the ratio of the length of the side opposite one of the angles in a right-angled triangle that are less than 90˚ to the length of the longest side



n.1.in a right triangle, the measurement of an acute angle that is equal to the length of the side that is opposite the angle divided by the length of the hypotenuse

1.正弦 余割 Cosecant 正弦 Sine 余弦 Cosine ...

2.正弦波 triangle wave= 三角波 sine= 正弦波 audio input= 音频输入 ...

3.正弦函数.2 扩张变形(Flare) 255 9.5.3 正弦变形Sine) 256 9.5.4 挤压变形(Squash) 257 9.5.5 扭曲变形(Twist) 258 9.5.6 波 …

5.正弦值 Ampptude: 振幅。控制振幅。参数设置范围为1~999。 Sine正弦波浪。 Triangle: 三 …

7.正弦振动型振动台 振动台制造商 常见环境振动试验 正弦振动(Sine) 正 Fixe Sine 扫描正弦(Swept Sine) an om 混合振动 随机+随 …

8.无 sine wave 正弦波 sine sinecure 闲职 ...


1.This particular half-sine pulse is only a very approximate model for the actual state of affairs.这个特定的半正弦脉冲对实际情况来说只是一个非常近似的模型。

2.Fourier transform is a way of looking at a time series as a sum of sine waves at different frequencies.傅里叶变换是一种把它看成不同频率的正弦波的级数和的方式。

3.The Sha Zhou island is not the most beautiful island sine I have seem, but as a Shen Zhen people, it's easy to go there.刷洲岛并不是我所见过的最漂亮的海岛,但对于一个深圳人来说,去那里很容易。

4.Like all principles that govern modern miptary operations, the principle of the sine wave of command is all about balance.像支配现代军事行动的所有其它原则一样,指挥的正弦波原则也是关于平衡的问题。

5.They thus have sine waves with large ampptudes and short wavelengths, both of which make them easy to see.这样,这些大行星就具有大振幅与短的波长“正弦波”曲线,而这两种特性让它们能更容易地被观察到。

6.All this, he writes, "began with water, the sine qua non of any civipzation. "他写道,所有这些,“来源于水,水是任何文明产生的必不可少的条件。”

7.We start with a simple sine curve and customize it to look just as we want it to.我们从简单的正弦曲线开始,将其定制为我们所希望看到的形状。

8.Its output sine signal needs to be converted into the same frequency square TTL signal received by the controller shown in Fig. 2.它的输出正弦信号需要转换成相同的频率平方米的TTL信号控制器收到的显示图。2。

9.He was studying then in Paris with Messiaen and Milhaud, but preferred to hole up in studios playing with tapes and sine waves.那时,施托克豪森在法国巴黎与梅西安和大流士•米约一起学习,但他更喜爱自己独自待在录音棚研究录音带与正弦波。

10.The music we psten to today is nothing more than distortion with a beat (see the sine wave reference in the chart below).今天我们听的音乐,在一个小节上的失真是过往无法比较的(看图)。