



美式发音: [ˈsaɪnəs] 英式发音: ['saɪnəs]






n.1.one of several empty spaces in the bones of your face in the area behind your nose

1.鼻窦 halitosis: 口臭 sinuses: 鼻窦 anaerobic: 厌氧的 ...

2.静脉窦 ... Scurvy 坏血病 Sinuses 鼻痰 Skin 皮肤 ...

7.称为血窦 节肢动物具开放式循环系统( open circulatory systems) 称为血窦( sinuses) 如:昆虫有极复杂之气管系统( tracheal system) ...


1.filled with vascular sinuses and capable of becoming distended and rigid as the result of being filled with blood.(生理学)充满血管窦而且在充血时可以变大、变硬。

2.Specifically, they looked to see if humming led to greater levels of exhaled nitric oxide, a gas produced in the sinuses.他们特别观察,哼绵羊音是否会从鼻窦中拍出的更多一氧化氮。

3.Become aware of the breath moving through the nostrils and the sinuses, behind the eyes and upper jaw.开始去意识在眼睛和上颚后通过鼻孔和鼻窦的呼吸运动。

4.They noted that the actual function of sinuses is still the subject of debate, and this theory may help clarify their purpose.他们注意到,鼻窦的真实作用还尚有争议,因此这项理论可能能够帮助揭示鼻窦的作用。

5.The walls of the sinuses are lined with endocytic cells which engulf any foreign particles that might be present in the lymph.窦的壁衬盖着内吞细胞,这些细胞能吞食淋巴中可能出现的任何一种外来颗粒。

6.Subdural hematomas are a result of tearing of the bridging veins which are located between the cortical veins and the dural sinuses.硬膜下血肿是由于皮层静脉和硬膜窦之间的桥静脉的撕裂所致。

7.A little actually. My sinuses are a little blocked up as well-I really feel terrible.有点。鼻子也有点堵,我感觉糟糕极了。

8.Do not block the nostrils to blow hard, no way out or nose into the sinuses or middle ear will cause inflammation.千万勿堵住双侧鼻孔用力擤,否则鼻涕向外无出路就会进鼻窦或中耳内引起炎症。

9.If it affects the paranasal sinuses, it most commonly involves the ethmoidal and maxillary sinuses.如果累及副鼻窦,最常见的是累及筛窦及上颌窦。

10.A intense persecutor has proved to be executed with sinuses of flutes: and refute of a mute.一个为害极大的毒害者在笛子的致敬和一个全哑之人的批驳声中被处决了。