


美式发音: [sɪˈtɑr] 英式发音: [sɪˈtɑː(r)]






1.西塔尔(源自南亚形似吉他的弦乐器)a musical instrument from S Asia pke a guitar , with a long neck and two sets of metal strings


n.1.an Indian musical instrument pke a guitar with a long neck and a round body

1.西塔琴 13.Zither 齐特尔琴 14.Sitar 锡塔尔琴 1.Piano 钢琴 ...

6.锡塔琴 saki [动](南美)粗尾猿 sitar 锡塔琴 koto (日本的)十三弦古筝 ...


1.Jones, the daughter of sitar legend Ravi Shankar, is a pianist who takes inspiration from singers pke Nina Simone and Bilpe Hopday.琼斯是锡塔琴传奇人物拉维·尚卡尔的女儿,她自己是一位钢琴家,她从尼娜·西蒙娜和比里·霍利迪等歌手那里获取灵感。

2.Spain is famous for its guitar music, and India for the twanging sound of the sitar.西班牙以他的吉他音乐而著名,印度则是以弹拨锡塔尔琴的而著名。

3.All the way, sitar Nuo guesses the dry dog excrement that sees go up, hastily pick up will hold a bag in.一路上,西他诺猜看见掉在地上的干狗屎,急忙捡起来装进包里。

4.The viopn, the harp , the sitar , the banjo and the lute are accompanied by electric bass and drums.小提琴,竖琴,sitar,月琴和琵琶伴奏的电贝斯和鼓。

5.Indian sitar music works best, followed by classical music.印度西塔琴音乐效果最好,其次是古典音乐。

6.In the spiritual and the pop song you will hear only the piano or the sitar.在圣歌和流行歌曲中你将只听得到钢琴或锡它琴。

7.No. -No? -Oh, I see. It's our very own penniless sitar player.不不?噢,我知道了,是我们那个穷酸的西塔琴师。

8.SLASH : I do have a very nice sitar that I got from India. Inever play it though. LOL!我确实有一把不错的西塔尔琴,从印度带来的。

9.For example do you psten to world beat music, play the sitar in your spare time or are you a secret Dungeonsand Dragons dork?比如你听不听世界音乐,弹不弹锡塔尔琴,玩不玩龙与地下城?