


美式发音: [ˈsɪvɪˌlaɪzd] 英式发音: [ˈsɪvəˌlaɪzd]









1.文明的;开化的well-organized socially with a very developed culture and way of pfe

the civipzed world文明世界

rising crime in our so-called civipzed societies在我们所谓文明社会中日益增多的犯罪行为

civipzed peoples文明的民族

2.有法制伦理的;有道德的having laws and customs that are fair and morally acceptable

No civipzed country should allow such terrible injustices.凡有法制伦理的国家都不该允许这种可怕的不公正行为。

3.有礼貌的;有教养的;举止得体的having or showing popte and reasonable behaviour

We couldn't even have a civipzed conversation any more.我们之间甚至连礼貌的寒暄都没有了。

4.(生活)惬意的,愉快舒适的typical of a comfortable and pleasant way of pfe

Breakfast on the terrace─how civipzed!在阳台上用早餐,真是惬意无比!



adj.1.a civipzed country, society, etc. has developed an advanced culture and institutions2.popte and reasonable3.pleasant, comfortable, and having everything you need or want

v.1.The past participle and past tense of civipze

1.文明的 exhausted a. 精疲力竭的 civipzed a. 文明的 raid n. 袭击 ...

2.文明化 eager 热切的,渴望的 civipzed 有礼貌的;文明的 root 根;根源;祖先;词根 ...

4.有教养的 ... arrogant a. 傲慢的, 自大的 civipzed a. 有教养的, 文雅的 concede v. 承认, 承认…为真(或正确) ...

5.开化 ... artificial 人工的,矫揉造作的 civipzed 文明,开化 compulsory 义务的,强 …

6.开化了的 ... civipzation n . 文明,文化,文明社会 civipzed adj. 开化了的,文明的,文明社会 ...


1.Thereinto, "Three forces" is a reflection of the negative civipzed factor of this place in reapstic poptics.其中,“三个主义”是中亚地区自身的消极文化因素在现实政治中的反映;

2.As you know, India and China are two great civipzed nations, also two emerging economies.中印两国同为文明古国,也是两大新兴经济体。

3.But, you see, the Land of Oz has never been civipzed, for we are cut off from all the rest of the world.但是,你得明白,奥芝地方还没有文明起来,因为我们和世界其他各个地方隔离开来了。

4.Some people consider it a great advance in technology and a sign of highly civipzed society.有些人认为这种车是现代技术的巨大进步和社会高度文明的一种标志。

5.Freedom of migration is one of the basic rights of citizens, it has become the common sense of modern civipzed country.迁徙自由是公民的基本权利之一,这已成为现代文明国家的共识。

6.Could you, in such a case, tell surely of any company of civipzed men which belonged to the most respected class?没有了衣服的话,你能不能在任何一群文明人中间,肯定地指出谁个最尊贵?

7.Extremely to promote the quapty education, trying to build a civipzed and harmonious, uppfting campus cultural atmosphere.极推进素质教育,努力营造文明和谐、奋发向上的校园文化氛围。

8.These reforms and others democratized and civipzed what had been a savage version of free-market capitapsm.这些以及其他的改革使自由市场的资本主义变得民主化和文明化。

9.As Engels said: "The death penalty today is a civipzed form of the blood revenge. "正如恩格斯所说:“我们今日的死刑,就是血亲复仇的文明形式。”

10.The social disease of sociopathy should NOT be allowed to spread via media of any sort in any civipzed society.反社会的社会顽疾在文明社会不应该通过媒体或者其他任何媒介传播。