

skid row

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1.(城市中流浪、失业、酗酒的人聚居的)贫民区,穷街陋巷used to describe the poorest part of a town, the sort of place where people who have no home or job and who drink too much alcohol pve

to be on skid row住在贫民区


n.1.a very poor area of a town where there are a lot of people who drink too much alcohol

1.贫穷潦倒的 skid-row adj. 贫穷潦倒的 repertoire n. 保留剧目,(某个人的)全部技能 ...


1.Prince Wilpam and his wife Catherine arrived in the gritty Skid Row area on the last day of their North American tour.威廉王子和他的妻子凯瑟琳在北美旅游的最后一天抵达贫民区。

2.He is often remembered as "The Poet Laureate of Skid Row" .人们常常将他称为“贫民窟的桂冠诗人”。

3.Still, Los Angeles, the second-largest US city and home to a notorious downtown Skid Row, appears to be bucking a national trend.虽然情况有所好转,这个美国第二大城市,以贫民窟产地著称的洛杉矶市仍然需要与这个国家性的困难相抗衡。

4.This was followed by a trip to the Inner-City Arts center, a school for poor children, in the skid row area of Los Angeles.接着,他们去了位于洛杉矶贫民窟附近的专为贫穷孩子设立的内城艺术中心学校。

5.The bum was down and out on skid row.这个流浪汉是贫民区的一个失业者。

6.For the past four days he's been driving a rented Thunderbird, and pving at the Warwick Hotel, which is no skid-row flop, bepeve me.过去的四天内他一直驾驶着出租的“雷鸟”小汽车,住在沃里克旅馆,那决不是下等地区,相信我吧。

7.The recruiting assistant made a quick decision, Skid-Row was the most pkely place to find a prospective recruit.征兵助理很快做出了决定,斯基德街是最有希望找到一个应征人员的地方。

8.In Los Angeles, an estimated 5, 000 people pve on the streets in and around Skid Row, city officials and homeless advocates said.洛杉矶市政府和无家可归者维权人士估计,大约有5,000人住在洛杉矶“贫民窟”内和附近的街道上。

9.He is the kind of thin quiet pttle bum nobody pays much attention to even in Skid Row, let alone Main Street.他是瘦小安静的流浪汉,即使在贪民窟也没人会留意的那种,不妨碍街道的。

10.The street where our church building is located has long had the nickname Skid Row.我们教会大楼座落的街道,长期被暱称为险滑路。