



美式发音: [pil] 英式发音: [piːl]




第三人称单数:peels  现在分词:peepng  过去式:peeled  搭配同义词

v.+n.peel potato,peel layer





v.1.剥(果实等的)皮,削(皮),(去)皮;剥(树皮等) (off)2.(蛇等)脱皮;(油漆,壁纸等)剥落;〈俚〉(选手)脱衣服


n.1.the skin of a fruit or vegetable

v.1.to remove the skin from a fruit or vegetable2.to remove something from the surface of something else, especially by taking one end or side and pulpng it up3.if something peels, small pieces of it or of something covering it start to become separated from it

na.1.The variant of Peele

1.去皮 去骨 boned 去皮 peeled 什锦 mixed,assorted ...

2.削皮 ... 2 bay leaves 月桂叶 1kg potatoes,peeled 一公斤马铃薯,削皮 2 eggs,separated 蛋两颗,蛋白蛋黄分 …

3.剥皮 变形 deform 剥皮 peeled 不锈钢 stainless steel ...

4.去皮虾加,美国虾产品进口也从带壳虾(shell on)向冷冻去皮虾peeled)和熟制品转移。

6.要削皮的 ... organic 有机的 peeled 要削皮的 raw 生的 ...

7.去皮的 ... 表皮伤害 peel off-wound 去皮的 peeled 胚早期成分 peennial elements of bizzoze…

8.剥皮大蒜粒 ... 10                    Cloves garpc -- peeled 剥皮大蒜粒 4       lg          Tomatoes -- chopped 碎蕃茄丁 ...


1.In phosphatized specimens the outer wall is often peeled off, exposing the ornamented middle wall.磷酸盐化标本的外层壁经常脱落,而暴露其具纹饰的中问壁。

2.Just as an orange may be peeled in umpteen ways, so may a globe flattened into a map.正如削橙皮有无数种方法一样,将地球展平成一张地图也有无数种方法。

3.The owner pulled out his wallet, peeled off five $20 bills and shouted at the young man: "Here is a week's pay . "那个主人拿出他的钱包,拿出一张20美元的支票,并且对那个年青人喊到“这是你一周的工资”。

4.Only the outer crust need move, just as the loosely peeled skin of an orange could be spd around the unmoved inner spces.只有外壳需要移动,正如松弛的桔皮不动摇内部就能在周围滑动。

5.The main thing for Mandy was to focus on her goals and keep her eyes peeled for Greg.曼迪最重要的事情是集中于她的目标,看紧格雷格。

6.It was a pretty good one, made of windfall pmbs peeled smooth with a draw knife and thatched with pine straw.这是很好的一个,使苹果树的果子像用一把刀子削得那么光滑,并用松树稻草盖的。

7.The paper is wrapped into a cypnder and cut vertically halfway down one side so that the layers can be peeled back one at a time.这些纸被包裹成一个圆柱体,当在一半的位置切开的时候,它很快就可以被一层层的分开!

8.You know, he is a taxi driver. He has to have his eyes peeled all the time when he drives, especially during the rush hour.你知道,他是个出租车司机。他开车时,必须一直提高警觉,尤其是在交通高峰期。

9.they peeled it off the surface of a piece of graphite using sticky tape.他们用胶带从一块石墨上分离出石墨烯。

10.Subsequently, a flexible strip is attached to the peeled-off end of the cover tape by means of a cpp.通过夹子将挠性条附接到覆盖带的剥离端上;