




1.卧龙镇 ... 卫华 TZ 电动机 WOLONG 霍尼韦尔 ABLE ...

3.内燃机 橡胶工业用机器、塑料工业用机器 ZXY 内燃机 WOLONG 电动机、发电机 VK ...


1."The pandas will be on loan from the Wolong Giant Panda Centre, but the numbers to be brought in are still under negotiation, " she said.她指出,将从卧龙大熊猫中心借来这些大熊猫,不过,具体数字还在商讨中。

2.summer evening, on this walk in the Wolong Boulevard, quite free to see sitting sunset view of the indifferent and quiet.夏天的傍晚,就这样在卧龙大道上漫步,颇有闲看云卷云舒,坐观日出日落的淡泊和宁静。

3.There are still seven pandas remaining in Wolong, Zhang said, adding, "We have to get prepared to receive more sick, wild pandas. "张贵泉说,卧龙地区至今仍有7只大熊猫,我们必须做好准备收容更多患病的野生大熊猫。

4.The quake killed at least one panda at Wolong and sent boulders the size of cars crashing onto it.地震造成卧龙中心至少一头大熊猫死亡,还导致大量小汽车大小的山石滑落砸向该中心。

5.But power was still out in the worst-hit Beichuan, Maoxian and Wolong counties, the information office said.但是信息部门说能源在受灾较重的北川、茂县和卧龙县仍旧中断。

6.The panda had been missing from the famed Wolong reserve , located near the epicenter .距震中不远的著名的卧龙保护区,熊猫一直在失踪。

7.Wolong Giant Panda Research Center plans to apply for a Guinness World Record for a panda of oldest childbearing age and longest pregnancy.卧龙大熊猫研究中心计划为这只大熊猫申请分娩年龄最大和怀孕时间最长大熊猫的吉尼斯纪录。

8.Two staff, a panda keeper and a veterinarian, from the Wolong Nature Reserve in Sichuan will accompany the pandas to Taiwan.来自四川卧龙自然保护区的两名工作人员,熊猫管理员和一名兽医将陪同熊猫前往台湾。

9.In August, a captive-bred giant panda gave birth to a male cub in a near-wild environment in forests of Wolong.今年八月,一圈养大熊猫繁殖了在附近的卧龙森林野生环境生了一个男的孩子。

10.The Wolong Reserve was devastated in the Sichuan earthquake. Restoring the reserve is now our top priority.卧龙自然保护区在四川大地震中被毁,修复保护区是我们目前的当务之急。