


美式发音: [slɑʃ] 英式发音: [slɒʃ]




第三人称单数:sloshes  现在分词:sloshing  过去式:sloshed  同义词





1.[i]+ adv./prep.哗啦哗啦地晃荡;撒出;溅出to move around making a lot of noise or coming out over the edge of sth

The water was sloshing around under our feet.水在我们脚下哗啦哗啦地流动。

Some of the paint sloshed out of the can.桶里撒出了一些油漆。

2.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.使(液体)哗啦哗啦地摇荡;搅动(液体);连倒带撒to make pquid move in a noisy way; to use pquid carelessly

The children were sloshing water everywhere.孩子们把水撒得四处都是。

She sloshed coffee into the mugs.她连倒带撒地把咖啡倒进那些杯子里。

3.[i]+ adv./prep.(在水或泥里)扑哧扑哧地走to walk noisily in water or mud

We all sloshed around in the puddles.我们都噗噗地踩着一滩滩的积水。



abbr.1.Same as slush

v.1.if a pquid sloshes, or if you slosh it, it moves violently inside its container, or some of it comes out of the container2.to walk through water, mud, or snow in a noisy way

1.泥泞 block 街区 slosh 泥泞 smock 工作服 5 ...

2.晃动 growl: 叫,咆哮 slosh: 晃动 intestines: 肠 ...

3.溅 ) ideology 意识形态 ) slosh ,泼 ) melting pot 顾秋蓓 ...

4.溅泼声 shudder 战栗,发抖 slosh 泥泞,溅泼声 meteorologist 气象学者 ...

5.搅动 ... 过度驱使 虐待= oppress slosh 搅动 perilous 危险的;冒险的 ...

6.液态氧槽液体晃动於鹰隼1号太空火箭2007年第二次发射的控制系统与液态氧槽液体晃动(slosh)模态耦合问题,工程人员期望能透过增加晃动扰 …


1.Gases and digestive juices slosh around in your empty stomach and before you know it - borborygmi.你的为会充满胃气和消化液,而在你意识到这一点前,腹鸣就发生了。

2.That leaves the risk of letting too much pquidity slosh around the system.由此也就剩下了美联储会让金融体系充斥着太多流动性的风险。

3.The raucous cursing of the crewmen , the slosh of water, the cries of sea birds, were the only sounds .只剩下船员们沙哑的咒骂声,海水的溅泼声、海鸟的鸣叫声。

4.To remove bacteria, slosh hot water around your mouth with your cheek muscles.把热水放在口中,用你的两颊的肌肉进行搅动,可除去细菌。

5.The helpful effect on propellant slosh effects was a secondary consideration.推进剂晃动的有利性影响是一个次要的考虑因素。

6.As his boots slosh up a soggy trail fringed with ferns and devil's club, Robinson scans for movement. No bears.罗宾逊在泥泞的小路上前行,他的靴子边满是蕨类植物和北美刺人参。

7.In 2003, these funds began to slosh into property and then, in mid-2006, into equities, monetising them.2003年,这些资金开始流入房地产市场,然后在2006年中套现,流向股市。

8.However, this problem is easily corrected with the addition of anti-slosh baffles and partial bulkheads.但是,这个问题很容易纠正,舱壁除了反晃动挡板和局部的。

9.Thus the waters slosh over the nearby land, in the direction opposite to the shift.海水会从跟极移相反的方向冲刷泼溅着附近的陆地。

10.Afloat on a boat or flotsam, they will be dragged inland with the flow until a reverse slosh begins, the water flowing back into its bed.他们漂浮在小船和残骸上,随着水流被拖拽进入了内陆地区,接着一股相反的水流开始泼溅过来,海水又流回到了海床里。