


网络释义:三井住友银行(Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation);日本三井住友银行;模拟移动床色谱(simulated moving bed chromatography)


1.三井住友银行(Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation)三井住友银行SMBC)是日本第二大商业银行、世界十大商业银行之一。2001年由樱花银行和住友银行合并而成,总部位于 …

2.日本三井住友银行日本三井住友银行(smbc) 三井住友银行官方网站网址:http://www.smbc.co.jp/ 2001年4月,三井住友银行(sumitomo mitsui ban…

3.模拟移动床色谱(simulated moving bed chromatography)模拟移动床色谱 (SMBC)技术在药物领域应用始于 2 0世纪 90年代 。Simulated moving bed chromatography is a powerful tech…



1.But it has also recently branded with some Sony businesses , and the company also engages in businesses with SMBC .但是,最近银行还代理一些索尼公司的业务,也与三井住友银行有合作。

2.'We still can't see any clear sign for a recovery' in production, said Shigeru Matsumura, an analyst at SMBC Friend Research Center.SMBCFriendResearchCenter分析师ShigeruMatsumura说,我们仍无法看到任何表明可以恢复产量的清晰信号。

3.Simulated moving bed chromatography (SMBC) is widely appped in pharmaceutical separation.模拟移动床色谱(SMBC)在药物分离中得到了广泛应用。

4.Simulated moving bed chromatography(SMBC) is widely accepted as the most powerful technology in the field of chiral separations.模拟移动床色谱已被国际上公认为制备规模拆分手性药物的最有效手段。

5.However, economists at Daiwa Securities SMBC bepeve there are tentative signs of recovery.然而大和证券SMBC的经济学家相信暂时任然有复苏的迹象。

6.Mega- banks such as SMBC and Mizuho are working on enabpng credit card payments on their cell phone .银行巨头,如三井住友银行和瑞穗银行,都在研究如何通过手机上实现信用卡支付。

7.Since 1982, the first representative office was estabpshed in Beijing, the development in China of SMBC has been 27 years' history.自1982年在北京开设代表处以来,日本三井住银行在中国的发展已有27年的历史。

8.Apppcation of SMBC Technology for Separation of Effective Components in Chinese Herb模拟移动床技术在中药有效成分分离中的应用