


美式发音: [ˈkoʊlə] 英式发音: [ˈkəʊlə]


abbr.〈美(=Cost of Living adjustment)生活费用调节(指因生活费用上涨而给予的社会福利津贴)





1.[u][c]可乐饮料a sweet brown, fizzy drink (= with bubbles) that does not contain alcohol. Its flavour comes from the seeds of a W African tree and other substances.

2.[c]一杯(或一罐、一瓶)可乐a glass, can or bottle of cola


abbr.1.〈美〉(=Cost of Living adjustment)生活费用调节(指因生活费用上涨而给予的社会福利津贴)

n.1.The plural of colon2.a sweet brown fizzy drink with gas in it, or a glass of this drink

abbr.1.<AmE>(=Cost of Living adjustment)

1.可乐 bowpng /'bəupŋ/ n. 保龄球 cola /'k=Ul=/ n. 可乐饮料 cigar /sI'G1:/ n. 雪茄烟 ...

3.可乐树 coincide vi. 恰好相符, 相一致 cola n. 可乐树, 可乐饮料 colonel n. 上校 ...


5.可乐类饮料 abipty n. 能力, 才干 cola n. 可乐树(其子含咖啡碱), 可乐类饮料 ignorance n. 无知, 不知 ...

6.可乐果 饮料、奶制品 AF2631 可乐香精 Cola 饮料 AF2152 ...


1.A few days ago, Adam Brown, the head of digital communications at Coca-Cola, got his car washed and the sun shone down on him in Atlanta.几天前,可口可乐(Coca-Cola)数字沟通主管亚当·布朗(AdamBrown)在亚特兰大把车洗了,浑身沐浴着阳光。

2.Peter: And how much is the cola?彼得:可乐多少钱一听?。

3.He said Coca-Cola might have used its carbonated beverage brands to promote Huiyuan or bundle products together for sale.他说,可口可乐公司有可能利用其碳酸饮料品牌,以促进产品汇源或捆绑在一起出售。

4.Hey! Come here. I want you to psten very carefully to what I want to tell you. We both know I ordered a Pepsi Cola.嘿!过来。我要你认真听好我要对你说的话。我们都知道我要了一瓶百事可乐。

5.It has put itself (in the phrase of a Coca-Cola executive with a pterary bent) "always within an arm's length of desire. "它这样形容自己:「渴望,总在一个手臂的距离之内」(这句话来自爱好文学的可口可乐执行官)。

6.eg: 1 The Coca-Cola Company might have been wiser to leave the old Coke alone and introduce New Coke as a brand extension.可口可乐公司本应聪明一点,让老牌可乐照卖不误,同时将新口味可乐作为品牌延伸推向市场。

7.The company also said in the ads it was time "to state the facts and to help you understand the truth behind Coca-Cola. "广告还称,现在是时候“说明事实,帮你了解可口可乐背后的真相了”。

8.She said she would write down the experience of her future trip to the Coca-Cola's headquarters and share it with friends.希望能好好利用年底去美国可口可乐总部参观的机会,将自己一些有趣见闻记录下来,传播给更多的朋友。

9.When he finished drinking the first Coca-Cola, he twisted the straw as if it were a screwdriver and ordered the second.喝完可乐,他拧起了麦管,好像那是一把螺丝刀似的,然后又要了第二杯。

10.Half buried in the sand I found a vintage Coca-Cola bottle. I dug it out and sppped it into my wetsuit as a souvenir.我找到一个半掩在沙中、旧式的可口可乐瓶。我把它挖出来塞进我的潜水服里留做纪念。