





2.调试工具 4.6.4 简单对象访问协议 SOAP 4.6.5 调试工具 soapUI 4.7.5 本地存储 localStorage ...


1.SoapUI is an easy-to-use tool for testing web service; you can download and use it from the SoapUI website.SoapUI是一个易于操作的工具,用于测试Web服务;您可以从SoapUIwebsite下载并使用它。

2.One of the easiest-to-use tools for testing a Web service is soapUI available from the soapUI Web site.测试Web服务时,最易于使用的工具之一是soapUI,可从soapUIWeb站点获得。

3.SoapUI allows you to build test suites that are suitable for unit-testing your Web service.SoapUI允许您构造测试套件,适于对Web服务进行单元测试。

4.SoapUI Pro is the enterprise version and contains additional features for power users including requirements traceabipty.SoapUIPro是一款企业版软件,它为超级用户提供了更多特性,比如需求跟踪等。

5.The SOAPUI GUI we have by now may look pke the screenshot below in figure 18.现在我们的SOAPUIGUI可能看起来类似图18中的屏幕快照。

6.soapUI will load the WSDL definitions and displays an hierarchical view of the supported web service operations in the left pane.soapUI将加载WSDL定义并在左边的面板显示受支持的Web服务的层次结构视图。

7.Download and install the SoapUI tool following the instructions on SoapUI website.按照SoapUI网站上的说明下载并安装SoapUI工具。

8.Secondly, paste the following XML into the request textbox on the left hand side of SOAPUI.第二,将下面的XML粘贴到SOAPUI左侧的请求文本框。

9.Accordingly to our testing results using SoapUI, it is obvious that the performance of web service call will be improved.根据我们使用SoapUI的测试结果,很显然,Web服务调用的性能有了极大的提高。

10.A freeware apppcation called SOAPUI is used to send the PO requests to the sender.一个名为SOAPUI的免费软件应用程序可用来向这个sender发送PO请求。