




1.菲克散:流体中由于随机分子运动引起的质点分散现象,分子扩散服从费克Fick)定律: 式中,C?——?浓度; ——?为xi方向 …


1.The pain and suffering of a honeymoon is usually the first fick.蜜月的难受和痛苦的一面是和男人的第一次。

2.Barbara Fick is an extension agent at Oregon State University in the northwestern United States.芭芭拉•菲克(BarbaraFick)是美国西北部的俄勒冈州立大学的一名推广员。

3.Elevator manager Brian Fick says the added capacity is needed to keep up with burgeoning crops.电梯经理,布莱恩﹒菲克说提高的生产力需要与蓬勃发展的谷物保持一致

4.By Fick's Law, the accelerated ratio was deduced in the salt fog box on metal sample packed in film.利用费克定律,对用薄膜包装的金属试样在盐雾箱试验中的加速倍率进行了推导。

5.But Barbara Fick says stored onions need to be cured first.但芭芭拉说菲克存储葱需要先治愈。

6.Formulate the diffuseness of photosensitizer and oxygen in tissues by the Ficks law.用Fick定律描述光敏剂和氧在组织中的扩散和分布;

7.non-elementary reactions non-volume work time independent stoichiometric reactions Fick's first law of diffusion非依时计量学反应菲克扩散第一定律沸点

8.VTS Finite-difference Solution of A Fick's Subpmation Problem of Liquid Product during Vacuum Freeze-drying液状制品冻干中升华问题的VTS有限差分解

9.The Non-Fick Analytics in Transient Diffusion Mass Transfer with the Second Order Homogeneous Chemical Reaction伴有二级化学反应的瞬态质扩散非Fick分析

10.Comparison of cpnical performance of fick partial rebreathing CO2 CO and transesophageal dual echo-Doppler CO in monitoring部分CO2重吸入与经食管超声测定的连续心排血量相关性比较