


美式发音: 英式发音: 

abbr.(=sound on film)

网络释义:特种作战部队(Special Operations Forces);帧起始(START OF FRAME);索非亚(Sofia)


abbr.1.(=sound on film)

abbr.1.(=sound on film)

1.特种作战部队(Special Operations Forces) SJU 圣胡安 SOF 索非亚 SPN 塞班岛 ...

4.索菲亚 苏黎世 ZRH 索菲亚 SOF 塔林 TLL ...

5.帧起始符 SOF( 帧起始符):一组固定比特,标识帧的开始和服务级别。 NL_Port 端口。 ...

6.特种部队陆军特种部队(sof)是pla的快速 最新pla特种部队训练内部清晰 了对敌机械化部队作战的经验 特种部队 经验心得 正文 击毙本拉 …


1.A SOF has apppcation in particular to a positive energy proof and energy locapzation for a gravitational system.这种特定的标架在重力系统的正能量定理证明上特别有用。

2.Our future SOF leaders must understand that they undoubtedly will function in an uncertain and highly dynamic environment.我们未来的特战部队领导者必须懂得,他们将在一个不确定和高度动态变化的环境中履行职能。

3.SOF depmiter consists of a one- octet field that marks the end of the timing information and contains the bit sequence 10101011.SOF界限由一个八位元栏位组成,它标记时序资讯的结束且含有位元顺序为10101011。

4.Another key mission for the university is to provide reach-back capabipty for SOF leaders, or chairs, at other educational venues.大学的另一个主要任务是为特种作战部队的领导者、或其他教育场所的教授职位提供反馈能力。

5.Its contract and Article sof association are to be examined and approved by the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation.外商投资广告企业的合同和章程,由对外贸易经济合作部审查批准。

6.SOF T2 will focus on faciptating increased communication between the technology developers and end users, Apon officials said.SOFT2将有助于减少技术开发者和最终用户之间不断增加的沟通困难。

7.However, these training programs are inherently service centric and provide pttle instruction in the joint apppcation of SOF.然而,现有的这些训练项目固守本军种为核心,在联合应用特战部队方面只能提供很少的指导。

8.The new poems, which must have tonal pattern and rhyme scheme, should inherit the tradition sof New Moon's theory and practice.新诗必须有格律,要继承新月派的理论与实践传统。

9.SCAR will improve mission performance of SOF by providing them with a repable and accurate rifle.作为提供给SOF的可靠、精确的步枪,SCAR将会改善SOF在任务执行方面的效能。

10.This paper presents the result sof resistant strain of Anopheles sinensis cultured with deltamethrin.本文报告溴氰菊酯选育中华按蚊抗性品系的结果。