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3.萨尔达传说 塞尔达传说是任天堂的一个传奇的动作冒险类型的 …

5.泽尔达,忽然想起竟然忘记了今天是情人节 ,要找一朵花送给萨尔达公主(Zelda) ,可以找一朵花会有多难呢? 你可以帮林克收集到 …


1.A retired couple from New York City, Abie and Zelda now pving in Boca Raton, Florida, were getting ready to go out to dinner.一对从纽约市退休的夫妇,艾比和塞尔达现居博卡拉顿佛罗里达,正准备出去吃晚饭。

2.Finally when we were eating the cherry tart and had a last carafe of wine he said , ' You know I never slept with anyone except Zelda .最后在我们吃着樱桃小馅饼、喝着最后一瓶葡萄酒时,他说,你知道,除了跟姗尔达以外,我从没跟任何女人睡过。

3.It was only Zelda's secret that she shared with me, as a hawk might share something with a man.这不过是姗尔达与我分享的秘密而已,就像一头鹰会与人分享什么东西那样。

4.Nintendo supposedly keeps a timepne that ties these clockwork fairy tales together into some sort of coherent whole, but I don't buy it.任天堂可能想要保持一个时间线,把这些发条童话(指zelda系列)糅合成一个协调的整体,但我不相信。

5.In 2002 Zelda was one of the most loved franchises in gaming, with fans just wanting more of the same, only bigger.在2002年塞尔达是游戏代理商最喜欢的游戏之一,有大把的粉丝想要类似的,只是制作得更好的游戏。

6.Zelda had hawk's eyes and a thin mouth and deep-south manners and accent.姗尔达有一双鹰一样的眼睛,嘴唇薄薄的,举止和口音带着南方腹地的色彩。

7.Zelda was jealous of Scott's work and as we got to know them, this fell into a regular pattern.姗尔达妒忌司各特的作品,随着我们跟他们熟识,我们看出,这种情况形成了一种经常不变的模式。

8.We had to get his permission to use this piece of music from The Legend of Zelda for that dream sequence.在他的许可之下,我们从《塞尔达传说》中撷取了一段音乐加入到电影中的梦境片段。

9.A sword adventure game that will remind Linux gamers of The Legend of Zelda series, SoulFu is one of the best native Linux games out there.一款动作冒险类游戏,会让玩家们联想到塞尔达传说系列游戏。《SoulFu》是最好的基于Linux系统的游戏之一。

10.We've had HUD in past Zelda games, and you've always had the option to turn it off with a button.在过去的塞尔达游戏里面,我们也有各种各样的提示界面,但是你都可以通过一个按键关掉它。