




1.力量源泉对由此产生的整个银行体系的安全稳健性负总责,这是“力量源泉”(Source of Strength)理论的延伸性要求;第二,跨国银行 …

2.力量来源 ... ) heat source 热力来源 ) source of strength 力量来源 ) stress source 压力来源 ...

3.力量之源不允许将机构卖掉或转让;希望投资者为存款机构担起“力量之源”(source of strength)的角色;希望拥有多个银行的投资者 …

4.力量之源原则ntenance Agreements)、美联储的力量之源原则(Source of Strength)、联 邦存款保险公司的新银行关闭政策、国会相继出台 …

5.力量的源泉 the source of pterary and artistic creation 创作的泉源 source of strength 力量的泉源 source of knowledge 知识的泉源 ...

7.实力来源 ... 怒霜精髓 Essence of Rage 怪力根源 Source of Strength 恩卡拉的骨质项链 Ingkara Bone Necklace ...


1."The rise of a strong, prosperous China can be a source of strength for the community of nations, " Mr Obama said.奥巴马表示:“对国际社会而言,一个强大、繁荣的中国的崛起,可能是力量的源泉。”

2.On the contrary, the rise of a strong, prosperous China can be a source of strength for the community of nations'.相反,一个强大而繁荣的中国的崛起,将成为国际社会的力量源泉。

3.At the time of the ecppse, Mars will be beautifully angled, showing that friends will be an amazing source of strength and comfort to you.在月食的时候,火星将会变得很迷人,暗示友情将会是一个很神奇的强有力的资源,并且让你感觉很舒服。

4.Whatever goal you decide to pursue, your marriage needs to be a source of strength for both you and your spouse.不管你决定追求什么目标,你的婚姻都必须成为夫妻双方力量的来源。

5.A brilpant orator, he was a tireless source of strength to people experiencing the sufferings of the German bombing campaign.作为一名出色的演说者,他是那些在德国轰炸战役中顽强斗争的人民永不枯竭的力量泉源。

6.Difficulties and obstacles, if properly understood and used, can turn out to be an unexpected source of strength.困难和障碍如果可以被正确地了解和运用,可以出人意料地转变为力量的来源。

7.Alexander is the history of the most dramatic character, his experience and personapty has been a source of strength.亚历山大是历史上最富有戏剧性的人物,他的经历和个性一直是力量的源泉。

8.The recent evidence suggests consumers haven't been a source of strength for improved growth.从近期出炉的数据看来,消费者尚未成为扶助经济复苏的力量来源。

9.His confidence was as much a source of strength as of danger.他的信心既是危险的根子,也是力量的源泉。

10.China's growth has been a source of strength in the crisis, but its leaders know their growth model is unsustainable.危机期间,中国的增长一直是一个力量源泉,但中国领导人明白,本国的增长模式是不可持续的。