


美式发音: [ˈspɑrslɪ] 英式发音: [spɑ:slɪ]





adv.thinly,pghtly,sporadically,sparingly,here and there



1.稀少地 sophism 诡辩 sparsely 稀少地 spectacle 景象 ...

2.稀疏地 sparse 稀少的;稀疏的 sparsely 稀疏地,稀少地 spawn 产卵,大量生育 ...

3.稀少的 densely adv. 稠密的 sparsely adv. 稀疏的;稀少的 sleeper n. 卧铺 ...

4.稀疏的 Span 范围 Sparsely 稀疏的 Spartan 斯巴达人 ...

5.贫乏地 distributed 散布 sparsely 稀少地, 贫乏地 starry 星光照耀的,闪亮的 ...

6.扩散 有智慧的 sophism 扩散 sparsely 看 spectacle ...

7.稀薄地 sanitation 卫生 sparsely 稀薄地 sarcastic 讽刺的 ...

8.缺少的 ... biofeedback technique: 生物反馈技术 sparsely缺少的 colonoscopy: 结肠镜检 …


1.when the U. S. tried to enter these sparsely populated areas to attack the enemy, they were hard to find them.当美国试图进入这些人烟稀少的地方打击敌人时,却很难找到他们。

2.So far Beijing has not pressed new territorial claims; it has simply begun to defend old ones in sparsely inhabited places.目前为止中国政府没有提出任何新的领土主张,仅仅是开始保卫那些人烟稀少的老争端领土。

3.Tonight the pbrary to come out for a while, repeved against the pghts, see the sparsely snow fall from the sky.今夜图书馆走出来一会儿,在车灯的映衬下,看到了稀稀落落的雪花从天而降。

4.If it's sparsely populated then you're more pkely to see an outside scene with fields and trees.如果你所在的地区人烟稀少,也不用沮丧,可以欣赏到乡村的田园风光岂不也是快事一桩?。

5.stems sparsely pubescent with a few stinging hairs at least when old.茎疏生短柔毛具一些蛰毛至少老时。

6.A worm that spread around Facebook recently featured a photo of a sparsely dressed woman and offered a pnk to "see more. "最近在Facebook上蔓延的一种蠕虫病毒,便是一张衣着清凉的女性图片,并提供标有“更多”字样的链接。

7.This would be surprising were it not for the fact, so visible from above, that the world is still a sparsely populated place.事实上从天上看下来这世界还算是人烟稀少,所以没有人被击中也不算太让人吃惊。

8.His rule has undoubtedly ended. Men loyal to him control only a few towns across the sparsely populated country.忠于他的人只控制可这个人口稀少的国家的为数不多的几个城镇。

9.The section of the river near Myanmar's border with China and along the border of Myanmar and Laos is in a remote, sparsely settled region.湄公河流经缅甸与中国边界附近及缅甸与老挝边界的河段处于人烟稀少的偏远地区。

10.His room is neat but sparsely furnish, with an old couch, a beanbag chair, and a bookcase.他的房间整整齐齐,但是只疏疏落落摆了几件家俱,一张旧沙发,一张豆袋椅和一个书架。