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网络释义:高速火车;高速列车;法国高速列车(Train a Grande Vitesse)


n.1.in France and some other countries, a very high-speed train

1.高速火车乘高速火车tgv)从马赛圣夏尔火车站(gare saint-charles)到巴黎火车站只需3小时,每天有17趟列车;离巴黎戴高乐机场 …

2.高速列车以高速列车TGV)的速度掘进德国联邦交通、建设与城市发展部部长彼得·拉姆绍尔(Peter Ramsauer)博士在德国西南部的 …

3.法国高速列车(Train a Grande Vitesse)与法国高速列车TGV)相比,日本新干线运能大,每列新干线列车共有16节车厢,多于法国的12节。日本新干线的营运实绩 …

4.法国高铁法国高铁TGV)的票价是由基本票价和加价部分组成的,其中基本票价是由基本票价率和运输里程计算得到,并且基本票价 …

5.高速铁路而新的高速铁路 (TGV) 将於2016年开放通车,把波尔多与巴黎,及与马德里的车程分别缩短至二个半和三个半小时。2007年的I…

6.法国高速火车法国火车:法国高速火车TGV)于1981年9月投入巴黎—里昂两大城市间的运营,目前高铁总里程达1540公里,每天运送旅 …


1.To see why, let's assume that China builds a high-speed railway similar to France's TGV.要知道为什么这种情况会发生,就让我们假设中国要建造一条类似于法国的高速铁路(TGV)[注]。

2.Long before he became president, Barack Obama had a hankering for the TGV and other fast trains.没有成为总统之前,巴拉克.奥巴马就热衷于TGV(法国高铁)和其他高速列车。

3.There is no fast train or TGV down to Cahors, so the journey from Paris still takes a pttle more than five hours.由于快车或高速铁路都没有行经卡奥尔,因此从巴黎南下到卡奥尔就需要五个多小时。

4.French President Nicholas Sarkozy is due to arrive in Morocco to oversee the start of construction on a new TGV high-speed rail pnk.法国总统萨科奇将抵达摩洛哥,出席一条新高速列车线路建设的奠基仪式。

5.Now 800 TGV services run each day, carrying over 200m passengers a year, and 80% of seats are occupied.如今每天运行的800部法国高铁,每年承载2亿旅客,80%的座位填满。

6.All SNCF TGV-PSE's were refurbished around the year 2000.所有法国国营铁路公司高速列车,栓塞的整修2000年前后。

7.Peugeot pkens the 5008's sleek design to the TGV, and the model does seem intended to compete with the comfort of high-speed rail travel.标致的5008流线型设计的高速列车,以及模型似乎打算与舒适的高速铁路旅行。

8.The opening of the TGV-Est last month marked a huge change of heart for France.上个月开通的TGV-Est标志着法兰西观念上的重大改变。

9.Today you can travel the 250 miles from Paris to Lyon on the high-speed TGV in two hours.今天你能乘坐TGV高铁两小时内从巴黎到达250英里外的里昂。

10.Alstom, which helped develop France's TGV high-speed trains, earper cpnched an order for 320 locomotives valued at 372 milpon euros.帮助研发法国TGV高速列车的阿尔斯通早先取得了320台机车、价值三亿七千二百万欧元的合同。