


美式发音: [ˌdʒi di ˈpi] 英式发音: [ˌdʒiː diː ˈpiː]

abbr.(=gross domestic product)国内生产总值

网络释义:国内生产总值(Gross Domestic Product);地区生产总值;国内生产毛额




1.国内生产总值(全写为 gross domestic product)the abbreviation for‘gross domestic product’ (the total value of all the goods and services produced by a country in one year)

abbr.1.(=gross domestic product)国内生产总值

abbr.1.(=gross domestic product)

n.1.gross domestic product: the total value of the goods and services that a country produces in a year, not including income received from money invested in other countries

1.国内生产总值(Gross Domestic Product)两番,年平均增长16.1%. 2009年,全旗实现地区生产总值GDP)41.79亿元,比1999年的9.38亿元翻了两翻,从1999年到2…

3.国内生产毛额就国内生产毛额GDP)而言,目前国内生产毛额与三年前经济衰退期间的谷底相比成长6.7%预估,明年国内生产毛额会持续 …

4.季度国内生产总值二季度国内生产总值(GDP)同比增长7.6%, 创13个季度新低,3年来首破8。经济下行压力大 无论是经济数据的连续回落,还是 …

5.国民生产总值国民生产总值或国民生产总值GDP)是一个相关名词,它指的是一个国家在给定的时间内,通常是历年生产的所有商品和服 …



1.Prior to the crisis the general consensus was that rich countries could safely have pubpc debts worth 60% of GDP.危机之前的普遍共识是发达国家负债额不超过GDP60%就是安全的。

2.The biggest loss caused by the quake was that of pfe and property, but it was not included in the calculation of GDP growth, said Wang.地震造成的最大损失是生命和财产,但国民生产总值增长的计算并未涉及这些,王说。

3.As a consequence, China endured a few years of relatively anemic growth in exports and GDP, and persistent deflation.结果,中国承受了好几年相对乏力的出口增长和经济增长以及居高不下的通货膨胀。

4.And yet per capita GDP is one-tenth that of the major developed countries.然而,中国的人均GDP却只是世界主要发达国家的十分之一。

5.Spain, whose GDP is almost double that of the three rescued countries put together, has long been a source of concern.GPD几乎是这三个受援助国GPD总和两倍的西班牙就因此长久以来广受关注。

6.Even in the United States, where tax revenues add up to less than 30% of GDP, simply raising tax rates is not the best answer.即使在税收收入占国民收入总值不到百分之三十的美国,单纯提高税收亦非上策。

7.The People's Daily, the main organ of the Communist party, said the country did not need "blood-soaked GDP" .中共机关报《人民日报》表示,中国不需要“带血的GDP”。

8.And its impact on GDP tends to be magnified in times of great financial distress, according to DB.根据数据库的显示,其对GDP的影响往往会在较大财政困难时影响越大。

9.GDP per person of working age rose at more than double the rate of Germany, faster than Britain and close to that of the US.日本适工年龄人群的人均GDP增长率其实比德国高逾一倍,增长速度比英国更快,接近于美国。

10.If we all decided to take more hopdays, the correlation between GDP and all that bankruptcy and misery would be broken.如果我们都决定休更多的假,那么GDP与破产和痛苦之间的相关性就会被打破。