




1.有理数 odd integers 奇整数 rational numbers 有理数 rational integers 有理整数 ...

2.有理数库和数值(Math and numerics),包括有理数库(rational numbers);octonions和四元数(quaternions);最大公约数(greatest com…

3.有理数系rs), Z 整数系 (integers), Q 有理数系 (rational numbers), R 实数系 (real numbers), C 复数系 (complex numbers)。


1.Classes for representing complex numbers or arbitrary-precision rational numbers would be good candidates for immutabipty.表示复数或精度任意的有理数的类将比较适合于不变性。

2.It offers arbitrary-precision arithmetic so that integers and rational numbers are pmited in size only by the system's available memory.它提供了任意精度的算术,使得整数和有理数的大小仅受到系统可用内存的限制。

3.Though having entered into junior middle school, Xiaowang still can't make a distinction between rational numbers and irrational numbers.虽然上初中了,可小王还是搞不清有理数和无理数。

4.Mathematics was especially difficult. I began with rational numbers, equations and factorizations .特别是数学,我是从有理数、方程式、因式分解学起的。

5.In the Rational class, then, four operations have been defined for rational numbers.在Rational类中,为有理数定义了4种操作。

6.The two fractions represent a range of rational numbers .这两个分数表示一个有理数区域。

7.Here's how you might write an output routine for a class representing rational numbers如下是如何书写一个表示有理数类的输出例程

8.On the Determination of the Biggest Common Factor of the Two Polynomials in the Scope of Rational Numbers有理数域上两个多项式的最大公因式的确定

9.Partitioned the positive rational numbers become a sum of some unit fractions分拆正有理数成单位分数之和

10.A Study on Teaching Rational Numbers to Junior High School Students浅谈初中有理数教学