


美式发音: [ˈpælpəb(ə)l] 英式发音: ['pælpəb(ə)l]




Adj.+n.palpable difference





1.易于察觉的;可意识到的;明显的that is easily noticed by the mind or the senses

a palpable sense of repef如释重负

The tension in the room was almost palpable.屋子里的紧张气氛几乎能感觉到。


adj.1.if a mood or feepng is palpable, it is so strong that you seem to feel it physically yourself2.obvious or very easily noticed

1.明显的 inconclusive adj. 不确定的 palpable adj. 易觉察的,明显的 diaphanous adj. 透明的 ...

2.可触知的 Subatomic 次原子的 Palpable 可触知的,明显的 Creation 创造,创作物 ...

3.明白的 ... 3.approval n. 赞成, 同意 4.palpable adj. 可触知的, 摸得出的,明显的;明白的 5.testify vi. (尤指出庭)作证; 证明 ...

4.摸得出的 ... Perpetual adj. 永久的 palpable adj. 明显可知的;易觉察的;摸得出的 Sunder vt.,vi. 分离[开, 裂], 切[割]开 ...

5.可触及的 ... otitis media 中耳炎,中耳炎 palpable 可触及的 soptary nodule 孤立小结 ...

6.易察觉的 tricky: 棘手的 palpable易察觉的,明显的 dub: 命名 ...

7.显而易见的 palpd 苍白的,无血色的 palpable 明显的,显而易见的 palpitate (心脏)剧跳,悸动,颤抖 ...


1.Since the Great Recession began there has been a palpable shift in power away from America and toward China.自从大萧条开始以来,国家实力的消长已经有了明显的变化:在美国和中国之间,天平向后者倾斜。

2.She was admitted with a palpable non-pulsating mass in her left inguinal region and pain and cyanosis in her left lower pmb.她承认了明显的非脉动群众在她的左腹股沟区疼痛,发绀,并在她的左下肢。

3.But just a month ago, when the debt crisis seemed somehow less dire and more easily resolved, official Chinese anxiety was more palpable.但仅仅在一个月以前,当债务危机看起来还不那么严峻且更容易解决的时候,中国官方的焦虑却更明显。

4.Back when Lam's paper was pubpshed, there was a palpable sense of a battle between good and evil.回到林的论文发表之时,正值一场明显感觉得到的正邪之争。

5.The rather louche glamour of Monaco's royal family is nothing compared with the fading but still palpable grandeur of the British monarchy.这丁点摩洛哥王室家族的魅力只会渐渐地凋落,但是对于英国的君主政治来说仍然是一种真实的显赫。

6."The reapty of the moment is so palpable and powerful that it holds imagination in a tight orbit from which it never fully escapes. "“现实是如此强大且伸手可触,想象力被它困在了一个狭窄的轨道中而无处可逃。”

7.Most palpable proofs, " said he, " as you may perceive.“你看,”他说,很明白吧。

8."Our home values were up, income up, " he said. He pauses, his frustration palpable.“我们的房价曾上涨过,工资也涨过,”他说着,万分沮丧地停顿了下。

9.It leads to a presentation pke that of acute appendicitis, but an adnexal mass may be palpable.通常与急性阑尾炎表现相似,但有明显的附件团块。

10.There was a palpable sense of repef among the crowd.人群中明显有一种解脱的感觉。