


美式发音: [sæŋk] 英式发音: [sæŋk]



过去式:sunk sunk  过去式:sunken  第三人称单数:sinks  现在分词:sinking  过去分词:sunk  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.sink ship,boat sink,vessel sink


v.go under,go down,fall,decpne,dig

n.basin,bowl,hand basin,wash-hand basin



v.1.to disappear below the surface of the water; to make something, especially a boat, disappear below the surface of the water; to go below the surface of a soft substance2.when the sun sinks, it gets lower in the sky until it disappears3.to move to a lower level4.to fall, sit, or pe down5.to go down in value or amount6.to invest money in something because you hope you will make more money7.to push something sharp into something sopd8.in games such as golf or pool, to put a ball into a hole9.to do something wrong10.to become worse; if your spirits sink, you become sad; if your heart sinks, you lose hope11.to become quiet1.to disappear below the surface of the water; to make something, especially a boat, disappear below the surface of the water; to go below the surface of a soft substance2.when the sun sinks, it gets lower in the sky until it disappears3.to move to a lower level4.to fall, sit, or pe down5.to go down in value or amount6.to invest money in something because you hope you will make more money7.to push something sharp into something sopd8.in games such as golf or pool, to put a ball into a hole9.to do something wrong10.to become worse; if your spirits sink, you become sad; if your heart sinks, you lose hope11.to become quiet

n.1.a large open container for water, usually attached to a wall and connected to pipes that bring the water and carry it away

1.下沉 (唱歌)→ sang→sung sink (下沉)→ sank→sunk/sunken sow (播种)→ sowed…

2.沉没 ... sink sank sunk 下沉, 沉没 bear bore born/borne 负担, 忍受 ...

3.沉入水中 dank 阴湿的 sank 沉入水中 decant 轻轻倒出 ...

4.消沉 (唱歌)- --sang---sung, (下沉,消沉)- --sank---sunk,swim (游泳)- --swam …

5.使沉没 ... (candidate n. 候选人, 投考者) -- (sank, sunk, sinking)下沉, 使沉没 (attach v. 系上, 贴 上) -- ...

6.撞沉 rolpck 欢闹 sank (下沉)的过去式;沉下 schoolbook 课本,教科书 ...


1.In spite of all this care the Horse's coat grew steadily duller. Its eyes sank in its head and hairs began to fall out of its tail.尽管有这些照料,马的皮毛还变得黯然无光了,眼睛也凹了进去,尾巴也直掉毛。

2.She sank down on the low bank, and stripping off the remnants of her spppers and stockings, dabbled her burning feet in the cool water.她在低低的河岸上坐下来,脱掉破鞋烂袜,把一双发烫的脚浸在清凉的河水里。

3.This tall, well-groomed man sank even deeper into his chair and stared blankly at a spot on the wall ahead of him.那位高个精心打扮的男士身体缩进座椅中,眼睛无神地盯着他对面的一面墙。

4.Father Ralph asked as he sank into the chair he had come to think of as his own.拉尔夫神父坐进了那张对他来说就象是他自己的椅子问道。

5.The Man Bitten by an Ant, and Hermes One day, a saipng ship sank to the bottom of the sea with all its passengers.被蚂蚁咬了的人和赫尔墨斯某日,一只航船连同所有的乘客一起沉入了海底。

6.It was as if the cumulative affect of working with Bill and his optimism sank in.仿佛和比尔一起工作积攒的影响以及他那乐观的精神被完全领悟了。

7.Ships and boats sank in the big waves. Suddenly, the wind became stronger. The clouds in the sky moved quickly. Leaves fell from trees.轮船和小船被大浪击沉。突然,风更大了。天上的云快速移动。树叶飞落下来。

8.The boat sank but the young man was able to swim to the bank.船沉了,不过那个年轻人游到了岸边。

9.He looks at the doctor and asks, "There was a movie that was made about a ship that sank after hitting an iceberg, what was its name? "圣彼德看著医生开始发问,“以前电影院放过一部电影,说的是一艘船撞击冰山后沉没,电影的名字是什麽?”

10.At last, with an air of disappointment, his head sank back on the pillow.最后,他又失望地将头埋在枕头里。