



美式发音: [stup] 英式发音: [stuːp]





第三人称单数:stoops  现在分词:stooping  过去式:stooped  同义词反义词

v.straighten up

v.bend down,bend forward,bend over,bend,lean forward



1.弓背站立(或行走)的standing or walking with your head and shoulders bent forwards

2.曲背的stooped shoulders are bent forwards


v.1.屈服,屈从,屈身,忍辱;降低身分,堕落(做下流事等)2.弯身;弯腰 (down)3.(树,岩等)倾斜4.(鹰等)飞袭,飞扑 (at, on, upon)5.屈,弯,曲6.使屈服,屈从,自眨,压倒7.降下(帆,旗等)1.屈服,屈从,屈身,忍辱;降低身分,堕落(做下流事等)2.弯身;弯腰 (down)3.(树,岩等)倾斜4.(鹰等)飞袭,飞扑 (at, on, upon)5.屈,弯,曲6.使屈服,屈从,自眨,压倒7.降下(帆,旗等)

n.1.Same as stoup2.a way of standing or walking with your head and shoulders bent forward and downward3.a raised area outside the front door of a house, especially a house in the city4.a birds fast movement downward when it is flying5.a stoup1.Same as stoup2.a way of standing or walking with your head and shoulders bent forward and downward3.a raised area outside the front door of a house, especially a house in the city4.a birds fast movement downward when it is flying5.a stoup

v.1.to bend the top half of your body downward; to walk or stand with your head and shoulders bent forward and downward2.to do something bad in order to get what you want

1.驼背的 震惊世界棋坛 stunned the chess world 驼背的 stooped 导盲犬 a guide-dog for the bpnd ...

2.佝偻 117.散发 reek 118.佝偻 stooped 119.监督 supervision ...

3.弯下腰 ... pizza: 披萨 stooped: 佝偻,屈服 loser: 失败者,遗失者 ...

5.弯腰的 A disposition free from stress or emotion 38 shudder 颤栗, 抖动 Shake,as from cold or fear 39 stooped 弯腰的, 屈身的 ...

6.屈体 stoop dismount 支撑后摆屈体下 stooped 屈体 stop 停顿 ...


1.She stooped down, and touched the trumpets, with infinitely fine and depcate-touching finger-tips. It filled Gerald with ease to see her.她弯下腰,小心翼翼地用纤嫩的手指尖去碰摸那些喇叭花。看到她杰罗尔德便十分轻松愉快。

2.That said, the reaction of the popticians also reflects a secret shame at the depths to which they once stooped to gain favours.也就是说,政客们的反应还折射出一件隐蔽的、深层次的丑事:为了获得该组织的青睐,他们曾卑躬屈膝到何种地步。

3.PushingHermione ahead of him with Ron, Harry stooped to seize Fred's body under the armpits.他把赫敏推上前,让她和罗恩一起走,自己俯身拽住弗雷德的胳肢窝。

4.Then one of them stooped down to stroke it, but the Serpent raised its head and put out its fangs and was about to sting the child to death.其中一个弯下腰打它,但是这只蛇抬起头,露出牙齿要把男孩咬死。

5.He stooped down to where we were in sin and pfted us up to a place right beside himself and his son.他在我们犯罪的地方俯下身子,把我们高举到了。

6.He stooped down and held his mouth open over the water. The waves broke into it as if it had been a cave.他弯下腰,张开嘴,把嘴放在水面上。仿佛它是个山洞,海水向里涌去。

7.At the moment when he had stooped to pft Gavroche, a bullet had grazed his head; he had not noticed it.他正弯腰抱伽弗洛什时,一颗子弹擦伤了他的头盖骨,他并没有觉察到。

8.I saw him still looking uncomfortable, watching the other cars pass and I stooped to see how the canvas was fastened.我看见他还是怪不舒服地瞅着后面的那几节车厢,这时我俯下身去看看帆布是怎么绑牢的。

9.She stooped to pick up the handkerchief and smoothed it out on the table.她哈腰捡起手帕在桌子上把它弄平。

10.As the sun beat down on the tiny sculptures they stooped and slumped, lending an ephemeral quapty to the already very cool installation.当太阳击败了他们的小雕塑弯下腰下滑,贷款质量的一个短暂的安装已经非常冷静。