




1.花费做 ... sb spend time doing somethings 某人花费时间去做某事 spend doing 花费做 spend in doing sth 花在做某方面 ...

2.花做某事 ... speak out 开口 spend doing sth 花(时间、精力)做某事 lead to 导致 ...

3.花费时间做某事 4. Practice doing sth 练习做某事 5. Spend doing sth 花费时间做某事(主语是人) 6. Keep doing sth 保持一直做某事 ...

4.花费做某事 ◆go running 去跑步 ◆spend doing sth. 花费做某事 ◆stick to doing sth. 坚持做某事 ...

5.固定句型 ... advertise for sth. 为了什么而去做广告,表目的,动机 spend doing 固定句型 advertise for 登广告招聘 ...


1.Outside of "work" situations, think about how much time you spend doing things you'd rather not do, say, cleaning your house.在“工作”情境之外,想想看,你到底花了多少时间做一些本不必做的事,比如打扫房间。

2.How much time per day do you spend doing social media? How has it impacted your daily pfe of, y'know, being a rock star?你每天花在社交媒体上的时间是多少?作为一个摇滚歌星,它对你的日常生活带来了什么样的影响?

3.How much time you spend doing daily exercise ?你每天花多少时间做运动?。

4.How much time do you spend doing your homework?你做作业用了多久?

5.The trick is in accepting that we need to talk about work while learning to restrict the time we spend doing so.有个方法就是在学习限制我们这样做的时间的同时接受我们谈论工作的必要。

6.In the 22 years Mr Cooley was to spend doing it, it was also his closest call.在今后22年的职业生涯中,这次经历同样是他记忆最为深刻的。

7.How long does Milpe spend doing her homework? She spends about two hours a day doing her homework.她每天花两个小时左右的时间做作业。她每天花两个小时左右的时间做作业。

8.how long did you spend doing your homework last night?昨天你做作业花了多长时间?

9.How long do you spend doing your homework?你每天花多长时间做作业?

10.And the time you spend doing whatever you do every day defines your pfe.而你每天花时间来做的事情就定义了你所过的生活。