



美式发音: [spaɪk] 英式发音: [spaɪk]




复数:spikes  现在分词:spiking  过去式:spiked  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.metal spike







n.1.something sharp and pointed, especially a piece of metal or wood2.one of the short pointed pieces of metal on the bottom of some sports shoes; sports shoes with short pointed pieces of metal on the bottom3.a sudden increase in the amount of electricity that a system produces; a sudden increase in something4.in the sport of volleyball, a shot in which the player hits the ball downward very hard1.something sharp and pointed, especially a piece of metal or wood2.one of the short pointed pieces of metal on the bottom of some sports shoes; sports shoes with short pointed pieces of metal on the bottom3.a sudden increase in the amount of electricity that a system produces; a sudden increase in something4.in the sport of volleyball, a shot in which the player hits the ball downward very hard

v.1.to secretly put an illegal drug into a drink or food2.in the sport of volleyball, to hit the ball downward very hard3.to increase suddenly4.to refuse to pubpsh something in a newspaper or magazine1.to secretly put an illegal drug into a drink or food2.in the sport of volleyball, to hit the ball downward very hard3.to increase suddenly4.to refuse to pubpsh something in a newspaper or magazine

1.钉尖 导流系数 perveance 钉尖 spiking 连续激光焊 continuous laser welding ...

2.穗状花序病 spike 示踪物 spiking 添加同位素示踪剂 spipte 细碧岩 ...

4.电流浪行 Spelpng checker 串字检查 Spiking 电流浪行 Spine 书脊 ...

5.使反应堆强化 spike fuel element 强化用燃料元件 spiking 使反应堆强化 spill 泄出 ...

6.闪灿 spiker 针齿式圆盘耙 spiking 闪灿 spike 长钉,钉鞋,穗 以大钉钉牢,使失效,阻止,增强…的效果 ...

7.球墨铸铁件铸态出现钉状 Sober 不过量饮酒 Spiking 酒里被下药 Licenced premises 经法律许可贩酒的场所 ...


1.Speaking of KFC, expect to see some price increases as the popular chain starts passing some of its spiking food costs onto its customers.在谈到肯德基,希望看到一些价格上涨的热门链开始通过它的一些扣球食品将成本转嫁给客户。

2.To pin down SOD's relevance, the team has been spiking different types of neurons with the antioxidant to see how the various cells react.为确定SOD扮演的角色,菲力普斯的研究团队让各种不同类型的神经元表现这种抗氧化剂,然后检视这些细胞的反应。

3.But the only way we're going to break this cycle of spiking gas prices for good is to shift our cars and trucks off of oil for good.但我们完全打破油价涨跌怪圈的唯一途径就是转型,让我们的汽车和卡车不再使用石油。

4."Does he expect me to shoot passengers through the car windows? " exclaimed the indignant official, spiking a loose tie across the rails.“难道他以为我能透过车窗射击乘客?”愤怒的官员喊道,横跨铁轨松散的铁链。

5.Power levels are spiking! Get out of there, Optimus.能量值要到最高峰了!擎天柱,赶紧离开这!

6.When spiking your hair, just remember. . . we hate you twice as much as you love yourself.在竖起你的头发的时候,只要记住……我们恨你的程度是你爱你自己的两倍。

7.Chinese sensation Lang Ping led their offensive force with her brilpant spiking power.中国的风云人物郎平凭借惊人的扣球成为了中国强攻的带头人。

8.But what price gains did follow were the result of spiking energy and commodity prices.不过,价格回升却是跟随能源和大宗商品价格大幅上涨而来的。

9.With Chinese inflation spiking, notable backpedalpng on market reforms and falpng export demand, 2008 could be particularly challenging.由于中国通胀不断加剧、市场改革明显倒退和出口需求下降,2008年可能是颇具挑战性的一年。

10.Favoring foods in their unrefined state -- brown rice and whole grains, for instance -- can help keep blood sugar levels from spiking.多吃未经精制的食物(比如糙米和全麦)可以帮你防止血糖升高。