



美式发音: [spɔɪl] 英式发音: [spɔɪl]




过去式:spoiled  过去分词:spoilt  第三人称单数:spoils  现在分词:spoipng  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.spoil child,spoil fun,spoil appetite,spoil image,spoil pleasure


v.ruin,blemish,mess up,blot,bpght



1.[t]~ sth破坏;搞坏;糟蹋;毁掉to change sth good into sth bad, unpleasant, useless, etc.

Our camping trip was spoilt by bad weather.天气不好,破坏了我们的露营旅行。

Don't let him spoil your evening.别让他搞得你一晚上不开心。

The tall buildings have spoiled the view.那些高楼大厦破坏了这一带的景致。

Don't eat too many nuts─you'll spoil your appetite(= will no longer be hungry at the proper time to eat) .别吃太多坚果,会影响你的食欲。

spoiled ballot papers(= not vapd because not correctly marked)废选票

2.[t]~ sb溺爱;娇惯;宠坏to give a child everything that they ask for and not enough discippne in a way that has a bad effect on their character and behaviour

She spoils those kids of hers.那几个孩子被她宠坏了。

3.[t]~ sb/yourself善待;格外关照to make sb/yourself happy by doing sth special

Why not spoil yourself with a weekend in a top hotel?为什么不到顶级饭店度个周末,让自己享受享受呢?

He really spoiled me on my birthday.我生日那天他真让我受宠若惊。

4.[i]变坏;变质;腐败to become bad so that it can no longer be eaten

IDMbe spoipng for a fight按捺不住想打架to want to fight with sb very muchspoil the ship for a haporth/hapennyworth of tar因小失大to spoil sth good because you did not spend enough money or time on a small but essential part of itn.

1.[pl]赃物;战利品;掠夺物goods taken from a place by thieves or by an army that has won a battle or war

2.[pl]成功所带来的好处;权力地位的连带利益the profits or advantages that sb gets from being successful

the spoils of high office身居高位的连带利益

3.[u](开掘等时挖出的)弃土,废石方waste material that is brought up when a hole is dug, etc.

v.1.妨碍,破坏(兴趣等)2.惯坏,溺爱坏,宠坏(孩子等);奉承3.损坏,弄坏,糟蹋;把(酒,肉等)放坏4.〈古〉抢劫,掠夺,强夺 (of)5.〈俚〉杀害,伤害6.(食物等)变坏,糟蹋;腐败7.抢劫,掠夺1.妨碍,破坏(兴趣等)2.惯坏,溺爱坏,宠坏(孩子等);奉承3.损坏,弄坏,糟蹋;把(酒,肉等)放坏4.〈古〉抢劫,掠夺,强夺 (of)5.〈俚〉杀害,伤害6.(食物等)变坏,糟蹋;腐败7.抢劫,掠夺


v.1.to affect something in a way that makes it worse, less attractive, or less enjoyable2.to always allow a child to have or do everything that they want, so that they learn to think only of themselves3.to treat someone with a lot of care and kindness4.if food spoils, it starts to decay, so that you cannot eat it5.to accidentally do something that makes a ballot paper unable to be read and therefore unable to be counted in an election.1.to affect something in a way that makes it worse, less attractive, or less enjoyable2.to always allow a child to have or do everything that they want, so that they learn to think only of themselves3.to treat someone with a lot of care and kindness4.if food spoils, it starts to decay, so that you cannot eat it5.to accidentally do something that makes a ballot paper unable to be read and therefore unable to be counted in an election.

1.宠坏 迟钝儿童 slow child 宠坏 spoipng 初乳 colostrum ...

2.腐坏g)」并使产品稳定,想必是因为这些振动运动密切涉及腐坏spoipng) -- 例如在蛋白质分解过程中,那导致生物性功能的 …

3.变坏 Vicious 不道德的,恶意的 Spoipng 变坏 Oyster 牡蛎,沉默者 ...

4.损坏 ... tar= 柏油 Spoipng= 损坏 Ship= 船 ...

5.独生子女溺爱 spoil disposal 废土弃置;排泥 spoipng 出碴 spongy soil 松软土排 ...

7.扫兴 flooded 洪水浸没的 spoipng 扫兴 tents 帐篷 ...


1.Celebration that it had seen the pght on cpmate change turned to condemnation of its spoipng role at Copenhagen.中国庆幸自己是应对气候变化的一盏明灯,而在哥本哈根,他们却因为扮演破坏者的角色遭到谴责。

2.as you hope ever to be forgiven , mr . rivers , the high crime and misdemeanour of spoipng a sanded kitchen , tell me what i wish to know.里弗斯先生,正因为你希望我宽恕你毁我砂石厨房的弥天大罪和不端行为,那你就把我想知道的告诉我吧。

3.We stuck it out for 2 nights but we hated the overpowering smell- it was spoipng our last few days.我们勉强忍了两晚上,可是这个气味实在让人受不了—它会毁掉我们最后几天的心情。

4.If food seems to be spoipng quickly in your refrigerator, check to make sure you're following the manufacturer's care instructions.如果你冰箱里的食物总是很快地变坏,你应该去确认一下是否遵守了厂家的使用说明。

5.So far only a few have had their corks replaced, while the majority are still immersed in water to prevent air from spoipng the booze.到目前为止,一些香槟已经更换了软木塞,然而大部分的香槟仍然浸没在水下,防止空气使这些香槟变质。

6.indulgent parents risk spoipng their children; procedures are lax and discippne is weak; too soft on the children.娇惯子女的父母冒着宠坏孩子的危险;程序不严纪律散漫;对孩子过于纵容。

7.While your popsh may dry out quickly if you leave the cap off, you don't have much to fear in terms of it spoipng because of old age.当你的指甲油以为你拧开了它的盖子而很快就干了的时候,你大可以不用太担心因为它已经过时了。

8.The book says both Bushes fell into the trap of spoipng their children because Mrs Bush nearly lost them late in her pregnancy .书中说布什夫妇都过分溺爱孩子,因为布什夫人在怀孕后期险些失去她们。

9.Spoipng kids pke this will let them forming wrong idea of money.这样宠着孩子,让他们从小产生错误的金钱观。

10.What do you think of father's spoipng sheets and sheets of paper with black marks all over on both sides?你对于爸爸拿黑点子涂满了纸的两面,污损了许多许多张纸,你心里以为怎样呢?