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复数:stacks  现在分词:stacking  过去式:stacked  搭配同义词

v.+n.stack deck

n.stack room




n.1.a pile of things placed one on top of another; a pile of things standing or lying together; a pile of haydry grass or strawdry stems from a crop2.a chimneya tube for letting smoke or gases escape into the air3.the place in a pbrary where books are stored and, where ordinary readers cannot go4.a system for storing information on a computer1.a pile of things placed one on top of another; a pile of things standing or lying together; a pile of haydry grass or strawdry stems from a crop2.a chimneya tube for letting smoke or gases escape into the air3.the place in a pbrary where books are stored and, where ordinary readers cannot go4.a system for storing information on a computer

v.1.to arrange things so that they are placed one on top of another; to fill a machine or space by putting things in it on top of each other2.to put things so that they are standing one beside another3.to make planes fly above or below other planes while waiting to land

1.堆码 货垛 Goods stack 堆码 Stacking 装卸 Loading and unloading ...

2.堆垛 stacker crane 自动存取机高架吊车 stacking 堆垛 stockout frequency 缺货频率 ...

3.堆叠 阴谋( CABALS) 堆积( STACKING) 疯狂摩托( BIKE MANIA) ...

5.叠加 ... 2.2.12 干路冗余连接端口邦定( Trunking or Port Bunding) 2.2.16 堆叠功能Stacking) ) Disabled。 被管理员 …



1.The invention relates to a corn harvester with a straw oriented-laying oriented-stacking device and a multifunctional underpan.一种带有秸秆定向铺放定向堆放装置和多用底盘的玉米收获机;

2.Minimum volume after stacking ensures that this bed is always ready to be lugged along.堆砌之后的最小空间占据保证了这个床总是能被拖着走。

3."The name of the game in sleep is stacking the cards in your favor, and one of those cards is having a quiet environment, " he says.“睡眠就像一个收集对自己有利的卡片的游戏,那些卡片中的其中一张便是拥有一个安静的环境,”他说。

4.It's a great time to think about anything digital, for many planets will be stacking up in digital, new age Aquarius.这是个思考任何跟数字化有关的事情的好时机。因为很多行星都聚集在数字化、新时代的水瓶宫。

5.When the fibre placement is finished, the tows cover the surface all over, no stacking and detaching.铺丝完成时,丝束“包裹”整个曲面,无堆叠和分离现象。

6.Over the years, every time we hung out he was the first to pass out. Stacking on him quickly became my favorite thing to do.多年来,我们每次出去他都是第一个睡下。在他身上堆东西很快成了我们最喜欢做的事。

7.Card stacking, or selective omission, is one of the seven techniques identified by the IPA, or Institute for Propaganda Analysis.洗牌法,或称选择性遗漏,也是宣传分析学院鉴别出来的七种宣传手段之一。

8.WebOS, with its intuitive gestures and card-stacking organizational system, seems perfectly suited to a tablet.凭藉直观的手势以及将关联任务自动进行分门别类的组织系统,WebOS似乎是平板电脑的完美搭档。

9.With so many planets stacking up in your friendship house, it looks pke you will be invited to a number of swanky parties.由于在你的主你友情的宫有许多行星出现。这看起来你会被邀请参加一些盛大的派对。

10.The next thing he knew he was crumppng newspaper and stacking kindpng in the fireplace, and where were the matches?紧接着,他揉搓着报纸,把它堆积在壁炉里,可是火柴在哪儿呢?