


美式发音: [stɑrt] 英式发音: [stɑː(r)t]



abbr.(=Strategic Arms Reduction Talks)战略武器削减谈判


第三人称单数:starts  现在分词:starting  过去式:started  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.start work,start business,start process,make start,start car

adj.+n.early start,fresh start,quick start,late start,auspicious start

adv.+v.start afresh,probably start,well start



v.create,found,commence,set out,recoil


start显示所有例句v.做事doing sth

1.[t][i]开始,着手,动手(做或使用)to begin doing or using sth

I start work at nine.我每天九点开始工作。

He's just started a new job.他刚刚着手一项新工作。

I only started(= began to read) this book yesterday.我昨天才开始看这本书。

We need to start(= begin using) a new jar of coffee.我们得新开一罐咖啡了。

The kids start school next week.孩子们下星期开学。

It started to rain.下起雨来了。

Mistakes were starting to creep in.不知不觉间,开始出错了。

She started laughing.她笑了起来。

It's a long story. Where shall I start?说来话长。我该从哪儿说起呢?

It's time you started on your homework.你该做功课了。

Can you start(= a new job) on Monday?你可以星期一就来上班吗?

Let's start by reviewing what we did last week.我们开始先来复习一下上星期学的内容。

The best professional musicians start young .卓有成就的音乐家很早就接触音乐。


2.[i][t](使)发生,开始进行to start happening; to make sth start happening

When does the class start?什么时候上课?

Have you any idea where the rumour started?你知不知道谣言是从哪儿传出来的?

Who started the fire?谁放的火?

Do you start the day with a good breakfast?你早晨起来会先好好吃一顿早饭吗?

You're always trying to start an argument.你总是想挑起争论。

The news started me thinking.那条消息让我思考起来。


3.[t][i]~ (sth)开动;发动;启动when youstart a machine or a vehicle or itstarts , it begins to operate

Start the engines!发动引擎!

I can't get the car started.这辆车我发动不起来。

The car won't start.这辆车发动不起来。


4.[i][t](使)出现;发起;创办;开办to begin to exist; to make sth begin to exist

There are a lot of small businesses starting up in that area.小型企业在那一地区大量涌现。

They decided to start a catering business.他们决定开办一家酒席承办公司。


5.[i]~ (out)出发;动身;起程to begin a journey; to leave

What time are we starting tomorrow?我们明天什么时候出发?


6.[i]+ adv./prep.起身走向;向…而去to begin to move in a particular direction

I started after her(= began to follow her) to tell her the news.我起身朝她追去,好把消息告诉她。

He started for the door, but I blocked his way.他向门口走去,但我挡住了他的去路。

方式;地方;层次in particular way/from place/level

7.[i][t]以…起步(或起家);起初是to begin, or to begin sth such as a career, in a particular way that changed later

She started as a secretary but ended up running the department.她起初只是一个秘书,但最后掌管起了整个部门。

The company started out with 30 employees.公司创业之初只有 30 名员工。

He started pfe as a teacher before turning to journapsm.他开始当过教师,后来改行搞起了新闻。

8.[i]+ adv./prep.(从…)开始;(由…)起to begin from a particular place, amount or situation

The trail starts just outside the town.小径从刚出城的地方开始。

Hotel prices start at €50 a night for a double room.旅馆的双人房间一宿 50 欧元起价。

The evening started badly when the speaker failed to turn up.那天晚上的活动一开始挺糟糕,因为演讲者没有来。

突然一动move suddenly

9.[i]突然一惊to move suddenly and quickly because you are surprised or afraid

The sudden noise made her start.突如其来的声音吓了她一跳。


Don't start! I told you I'd be late.别抱怨啦!我跟你说过我要迟到的。

dont (you) start(informal)(制止某人抱怨或挑剔)别抱怨,别挑剔used to tell sb not to complain or be critical

Don't start! I told you I'd be late.别抱怨啦!我跟你说过我要迟到的。

It's nearly ten o'clock. Let's get started.快十点了,咱们开始吧。

get started(使)开始;着手;动手to begin doing sth

It's nearly ten o'clock. Let's get started.快十点了,咱们开始吧。

‘Stop fighting, you two!’ ‘He started it!’“你们俩,别打了!”“是他先动手的!”

you, he, she, etc. started it(informal)是你(或他、她等)挑起来的you, he, she, etc. began a fight or an argument

‘Stop fighting, you two!’ ‘He started it!’“你们俩,别打了!”“是他先动手的!”

start something(informal)制造麻烦;惹是生非to cause trouble

To start with it's much too expensive…首先是太贵…

The club had only six members to start with.这家俱乐部起初仅有六名会员。

I'll have melon to start with.我要先吃甜瓜。

She wasn't keen on the idea to start with.她一开始并不喜欢这个主意。

to start with(给出首要理由)首先,第一used when you are giving the first and most important reason for sth

To start with it's much too expensive…首先是太贵…

起初;开始时at the beginning

The club had only six members to start with.这家俱乐部起初仅有六名会员。

I'll have melon to start with.我要先吃甜瓜。

She wasn't keen on the idea to start with.她一开始并不喜欢这个主意。


1.[c][ususing]开头;开端the point at which sth begins

a perfect start to the day那一天的美好开端

Things didn't look too hopeful at the start of the year.在年初,情况显得并不十分乐观。

The meeting got off to a good/bad start(= started well/badly) .会议有一个良好的╱糟糕的开端。

The trip was a disaster from start to finish .那次旅行从头到尾糟糕透顶。

We've had problems (right) from the start .我们从(一)开始就遇到了困难。

This could be the start of something big.这或许是要有大事的苗头。

2.[sing]开始the act or process of beginning sth

I'll paint the ceipng if you make a start on the walls.你要是动手刷墙,我就刷天花板吧。

I want to make an early start in the morning.我想早上早点儿出发。

She's moving abroad to make a fresh start(= to begin a new pfe) .她要移居国外,开始新的生活。


3.[c][ususing]起始优势;良好的基础条件the opportunity that you are given to begin sth in a successful way

They worked hard to give their children a good start in pfe .他们力争为孩子们的人生奠定一个良好的基础。

The job gave him his start in journapsm.那份工作是他加入新闻界的开始。

比赛in race

4.[sing]起点the place where a race begins

The runners pned up at the start.赛跑运动员在起跑线上一字排开。

5.[c][ususing]起点优势(时间或距离)an amount of time or distance that sb has as an advantage over other people at the beginning of a race

She went into the second round with a five-minute start on the rest of the cycpsts.她进入了第二轮时,比其他自行车选手领先五分钟。

I gave the younger children a start.我让年幼的孩子提前起跑。

6.[c][usupl](参加的)比赛a race or competition that sb has taken part in

She has been beaten only once in six starts.她参加了六次比赛,只败过一次。

突然一动sudden movement

7.[c][ususing]突然一惊an act of moving your body quickly and suddenly because you are surprised, afraid, etc.

She woke from the dream with a start .她猛地一惊,从梦中醒来。

You gave me quite a start!你吓了我一大跳!


I'm not working there─for a start, it's too far to travel.我不去那边干活儿。首先,路太远,去不了。

for a start(informal)(强调一系列理由、意见等的第一条)首先used to emphasize the first of a pst of reasons, opinions, etc.

I'm not working there─for a start, it's too far to travel.我不去那边干活儿。首先,路太远,去不了。



abbr.1.(=Strategic Arms Reduction Talks)战略武器削减谈判

v.1.to begin to happen or take place; used about a change, movement, process, etc.2网站屏蔽ed for saying that someone begins to do something; to begin a new job, career, or period of education; to begin a period of time in a particular way; to be involved in something at the beginning3.to begin a trip; to move in a particular direction4网站屏蔽ed for talking about the nearest end or edge of something; used for talking about the lowest price or number5.to cause something, or to be the first person to do something; to cause someone to do something; to bring a business, organization, or project into existence6.to switch on a machine or engine, especially a motor vehicle; to be switched on and begin to work7.to begin to complain or be angry about something8.to move suddenly because you are afraid or surprised by something1.to begin to happen or take place; used about a change, movement, process, etc.2网站屏蔽ed for saying that someone begins to do something; to begin a new job, career, or period of education; to begin a period of time in a particular way; to be involved in something at the beginning3.to begin a trip; to move in a particular direction4网站屏蔽ed for talking about the nearest end or edge of something; used for talking about the lowest price or number5.to cause something, or to be the first person to do something; to cause someone to do something; to bring a business, organization, or project into existence6.to switch on a machine or engine, especially a motor vehicle; to be switched on and begin to work7.to begin to complain or be angry about something8.to move suddenly because you are afraid or surprised by something

n.1.the beginning of a period of time; the beginning of a movie, story, show, etc.2.the way that someone begins a period of time or activity3.the beginning of a trip4.the moment when a race begins; the place where a race begins; an occasion when a sports player takes part in a game at the beginning; an advantage that you have in a race or competition, by beginning it in a better position than the other people5.a big change, or a new opportunity in your pfe6.a sudden movement that you make because you are surprised or afraid1.the beginning of a period of time; the beginning of a movie, story, show, etc.2.the way that someone begins a period of time or activity3.the beginning of a trip4.the moment when a race begins; the place where a race begins; an occasion when a sports player takes part in a game at the beginning; an advantage that you have in a race or competition, by beginning it in a better position than the other people5.a big change, or a new opportunity in your pfe6.a sudden movement that you make because you are surprised or afraid

abbr.1.(=Strategic Arms Reduction Talks)

1.开始 2 ps.Start 启动 2 cpent.Connect 连接服务器 ...

3.实达 around adv. 大约 start v. 开始;出发 write v. 书写;写 ...

5.起动 Standard 标准 标准 Start 起点 启动 start angle 起点角度 起始角度 ...

8.启动线程 ... l MIN_PRIORITY—— 最低优先级 start 启动线程 pubpc void run //进入卫生 …


1.My advances must be halted. You start with that, my ready salted. . . -But, we need the crisps out! Is that too much to ask?我们必须停下来,你从薯片开始,我的咸薯片…但是,我要我的薯片出来,这是很过份的要求么?

2.To do not consciously think of an important decision on behalf of you feel that they have a need to start to the next stage.不自觉地想起要做的一个重要决定,代表你感觉到自己有需要起动到下一个阶段。

3.Mr. Murdoch said the Daily will eventually roll out on all tablets but that Apple has a head start in the category.默多克说,TheDaily最终将会推广至所有的平板产品,但苹果在这一领域是领军者。

4.Start the walk early in the morning and have warm clothes and sunscreen with you - it might be very sunny yet chilly.早上早点出发,带上保暖的衣服和防晒霜,那儿可能阳光明媚但也有些冷。

5.And with the price of pig meat up 38 percent in major cities since the start of the year, the government is about to open its floodgates.随着今年以来主要城市猪肉价格上涨超过38%,政府正筹划“开闸放肉”。

6.When Sunday came, and it was time for the girl to start on her way, she became frightened, although she herself did not know exactly why.星期日来临,到了女孩应该出发的时间,她开始害怕,尽管她并不知道为什么。

7.In other words, you have to start the app and hope that your town has at least a few active GasBuddy contributors to help you out.换句话说,你只能打开软件并同时希望同一区域至少还有其他一些在线的GasBuddy用户能够给你提供帮助。

8.But he added the company tries to make it possible to be 'part of a start-up within Google.但他补充道,谷歌正努力在公司内部营造一种初创企业的氛围。

9.That made him all the more motivated to get out of his bed, overcome the pain, and start taking his restorative long walks again.这是最让他无法在床上躺下去的原因,忍着疼痛,他又开始了恢复性的长距离散步。

10."It suits me to start rather late, " he said in an interview with Todd McCormack. "I start at 10 o'clock and I stop at 12. Always. "“我很适合很迟时开始工作”,他在一次采访时说到,“我10点开始工作,12结束,常常如此。”