




1.世代传承 ... 打开生命的灯 The Search of Significance 代代相传 Generation to Generation 爱上祷告会 Love to Pray Together ...

3.一代 ... 一代代Generation to generation 特此公告 Notice is hereby given! ...

5.薪火相传 Dear Frien…


1.Such a proverb as "There is no place pke home" is certain to be passed on from generation to generation.诸如“没有像家一样的地方”此类问题肯定会一代代被传下去问。

2.The achievements accumulated from generation to generation are deposited in it even though some of them have fallen temporarily out of use.每一个世代积累起来的成就都贮藏在里面,虽然有些已经暂时无用。

3.Thus, every place, with its own legends and tales, has its traditions and customs passed on from generation to generation.这样,每个地方都有自己的传说,风俗也就衍传了下来

4.These jewels have been passed down in our family from generation to generation for hundreds of years.这些珠宝在我们家代代相传已有好几百年的历史了。

5." Ancestors of the winter solstice festival in Taiwan has always been from generation to generation, to show not forget their " roots.冬至节祖先,在台湾一直世代相传,以示不忘自己的“根”。

6.Quilts, which are often passed down from generation to generation, can be an art form as much as something that keeps you warm.拼布常一代传一代,它是一个艺术作品,也是一个用来保暖的物品。

7.Their prophecies and teachings have been transmitted orally, from generation to generation, for thousands of years.他们的预言和教理万年来经由口授代代流传下来。

8.The "santons" molds have been passed from generation to generation since the seventeenth century.自从十七世纪以来,这种模型就开始一代一代地流传下来了。

9.These changes reflect the general rules and characters in the handing down of folk story from generation to generation.在神话和防风氏的演变过程中,表现出了地域性民间叙事在传承中的一般规律和特征。

10.Japanese macaques can convey ideas to one another and pass skills down, generation to generation.日本猕猴能够传递思想给另一个,也能将技能一代一代地传递下去。