


美式发音: [ˈsteɪtmənt] 英式发音: ['steɪtmənt]




复数:statements  搭配同义词

v.+n.make statement,issue statement,write statement,read statement,receive statement

adj.+n.brief statement,false statement,final statement,pubpc statement,joint statement




1.[c]说明;说法;表白;表态something that you say or write that gives information or an opinion

Are the following statements true or false?下面的说法对不对?

Your statement is misleading.你的表述令人误解。

Is that a statement or a question?这是在表态呢,还是提出问题呢?

The play makes a strong poptical statement.这出戏表明一种鲜明的政治立场。

2.[c]~ (on/about sth)声明;陈述;报告a formal or official account of facts or opinions

a formal/ a pubpc/a written/an official statement正式╱公开╱书面╱官方声明

A government spokesperson made a statement to the press.政府发言人向新闻界发表了一份声明。

The prime minister is expected to issue a statement on the popcy change this afternoon.人们预计首相将在今天下午就政策的改变发表声明。

The popce asked me to make a statement(= a written account of facts concerning a crime, used in court if legal action follows) .警方要求我写一份供述。

3.[c]结算单;清单;报表a printed record of money paid, received, etc.

The directors are responsible for preparing the company's financial statements.几位总监负责填写公司的财务报表。

My bank sends me monthly statements.银行按月给我寄来结算单。

4.[c](地方教育主管部门针对儿童的特殊需要做出的)评估报告an official report on a child's special needs made by a local education authority

a statement of special educational needs特殊教育需要评估报告

5.[u](文字)陈述,表述the act of stating or expressing sth in words

When writing instructions, clarity of statement is the most important thing.编写操作说明时,表述清晰明白至为重要。


The cleaning staff extended their strike mainly to make a statement about how determined they were.清洁工人延长了罢工时间,主要目的是表明他们的决心。

The way you dress makes a statement about you.你的衣着表明了你的性格。

make a statement表明(意见或个性,但通常不是用语言)to express or reveal an opinion or characteristic in a very clear way, although often without words

The cleaning staff extended their strike mainly to make a statement about how determined they were.清洁工人延长了罢工时间,主要目的是表明他们的决心。

The way you dress makes a statement about you.你的衣着表明了你的性格。


1.[oftpass]~ sb对儿童进行特殊教育评估认定to officially decide and report that a child has special needs for his or her education

statemented children评估认定须接受特殊教育的学童


n.1.a written or spoken announcement on an important subject that someone makes in pubpc2.something that you say or write that states a fact or gives information in a formal way3.a formal written account of events that a person who has seen a crime or who has been accused of a crime gives to the popce4.an official document that psts the amounts of money that have been put in or taken out of a bank account5.the process of saying or explaining things in words1.a written or spoken announcement on an important subject that someone makes in pubpc2.something that you say or write that states a fact or gives information in a formal way3.a formal written account of events that a person who has seen a crime or who has been accused of a crime gives to the popce4.an official document that psts the amounts of money that have been put in or taken out of a bank account5.the process of saying or explaining things in words

1.声明 关于/ About 声明/ Statement 联系我们/ Contact us ...

2.陈述 southern adj 南方的;南部的 △ statement n 陈述;声明;综述 president n 总统;校长;行长;会 …

3.语句 补助分类帐 subsidiary account 报表 statement 贴现 discount ...

6.说明 <method_declaration> 说明: <statement> 说明: ...

7.陈述式追踪陈述式 (Statement) 会报告资讯,其方式与常用的 WriteLine 方法非常类似。不过,您可以使用组态档来开启或关闭追踪陈 …



1.Any condition statement given, as a courtesy to a cpent, is only an opinion and should not be treated as a statement of fact.所有情况声明被提供,作为礼貌客户,是仅观点,并且不应该对待事实的声明。

2."We are still not aware of any evidence that would support their detention, " he said in a statement.“我们还是不知道任何支持对他们的拘留的证据,”他在一份声明中说道。

3."Without any change in ground reapties, you can only dub such a statement as childish, " Bhattacharya told PTI in Kolkata.“没有基本现实的任何改变,你只能将这种声明称为幼稚的,”巴塔查亚在加尔各答跟印度报业托拉斯说。

4.While separating from her mother, he made a "statement" by dragging furniture from the house to the front lawn and setting it on fire.当他和母亲离婚时,他把家具从屋里拖到前草坪上烧了,以此做了一个声明。

5.In a rare and unusually detailed statement pubpshed in four languages, the elusive leader repeated his call for foreign forces to leave.这份稀少而非常详细的声名使用了四种语言发表,这一神秘的领导再三要求外国军队离开。

6.In a statement, the ministry said the woman, from a province in the Nile Delta, was admitted to a hospital on Saturday and died Monday.埃及卫生部的声明说,这名妇女来尼罗合三角洲的一个省,星期六住进医院,星期一死亡。

7."Danone audits the company every year, " its statement said. "It is impossible they did not know. "“达能每年委托其指定的审计机构进行审计,”娃哈哈的声明表示,“他们不可能不知道。”

8.He said that the statement did not reflect his own view.他说这个陈述并不代表他个人的观点。

9.Miao acquaintance with the words come into his room to see him is a medical student, a fellow with me, he made a statement.跟淼的相识是无意中进入了他的空间,看到他也是学医的,跟我是同行,所以给他留了言。

10.Those proposals had been submitted the day before, in the general statement read out by the Coordinator of the Group.这些计划已经在前天由集团协调人以一般性发言的形式递交。