




1.消费者服务e)的-10.32%,而获利年成长呈两位数成长的有消费服务Consumer Service)的11.12%及网路通讯(Telecommunication…

4.顾客服务!组织是矩阵式,各地都有总经理,所以我现在负责的是顾客服务consumer service),也就是任何跟顾客有关的,都跟我 …

5.顾客满足 ... 6 .护身装备( Protection Equipment) 7 .顾客满足( Consumer Service) 8 .向往最高的挑战( Beyond Human Limi…

6.信息查询服务,而非如传统第三级产业的服 务业被视为多半是对个别消费者的服务consumer service)。

8.消费电子时大鲲:就我看来,电脑(Computers)、通信(Communication)和消费电子(Consumer Service)的融合,在未来应该面朝通信产品方向…


1.And its abipty to make inroads with businesses could be hurt by perceptions that the quapty of its consumer service is patchy.那种认为Skype提供的消费者服务的质量不佳的观念可能会伤害Skype影响各项业务的能力。

2.In an ideal world the developers of the consumer service just asks the suppper service to develop the potential service and all is dandy.在理想化的世界里,消费服务的开发者只需要请求供应者服务开发相应的潜在服务,一切就搞定了。

3.Eventuallyhow to take advantage of business etiquette for better consumer service in hotel is explained in details, so is the meaning.篇论文最后很详细地阐述了商务礼仪如何在酒店服务中更好的为顾客服务,以及它的意义。

4.This allows consumer service developers write the service themselves.这让消费服务开发者可以自己编写服务。

5.One fine morning a consumer service needs some information from a suppper service.一个晴朗的早晨某个消费者服务需要请求某个供应者服务的一些信息。

6.The Website of Guangdong Mobile for High-End Consumer Service.《广东移动高端用户客服专用网站》。

7.Cosmetic surgery is a consumer service in most of the world.整形手术在世界的大多数地方是一次消费服务。

8.The Advices of Construction in Consumer Service Platform对客户服务平台建设的几点建议

9.Study and Development of Yunnan Power Consumer Service Technology Support System云南电力客户服务技术支持系统的研发