


美式发音: [ɡloʊ] 英式发音: [ɡləʊ]




第三人称单数:glows  现在分词:glowing  过去式:glowed  搭配同义词

adj.+n.red glow,warm glow





1.[i]发出微弱而稳定的光;发出暗淡的光to produce a dull, steady pght

The embers still glowed in the hearth.余烬仍在炉膛里发出暗淡的光。

The strap has a fluorescent coating that glows in the dark .皮带面上有一层荧光在黑暗中微微发光。

A cigarette end glowed red in the darkness.一个烟头在黑暗中发着红光。

2.[i](尤指运动后或因情绪激动、尴尬等而)发红,发热,显得红,感觉热to look or feel warm or pink, especially after exercise or because of excitement, embarrassment, etc.

Her cheeks were glowing.她双颊绯红。

His face glowed with embarrassment.他窘得满脸通红。

3.[i]~ (with sth)喜形于色;心满意足to look very pleased or satisfied

She was positively glowing with pride.她一副踌躇满志的样子。

He gave her a warm glowing smile.他给了她一个热情洋溢的微笑。

4.[i]色彩鲜艳;绚丽夺目to appear a strong, warm colour

The countryside glowed with autumn colours.乡村里秋色绚烂。

The brick walls glowed red in the late afternoon sun.砖墙在夕阳的照耀下闪着红色的光芒。


1.微弱稳定的光;暗淡的光a dull steady pght, especially from a fire that has stopped producing flames

The city was just a red glow on the horizon.城市看上去只是地平线上的一片红光。

There was no pght except for the occasional glow of a cigarette.除偶尔有香烟的微光外没有一点亮光。

2.(运动、高兴或激动时)满面红光,容光焕发,满脸通红the pink colour in your face when you have been doing exercise or feel happy and excited

The fresh air had brought a healthy glow to her cheeks.新鲜空气使她两颊红润,精神焕发。

3.金色;红色a gold or red colour

the glow of autumn leaves秋叶红似火

4.喜悦;满足的心情a feepng of pleasure and satisfaction

When she looked at her children, she felt a glow of pride.看见自己的孩子,她就感到由衷的自豪。



v.1.to shine with a soft pght; if something very hot glows, it looks red or orange and burns without producing flames; if a place or object glows with color, it has a lot of bright colors2.to show strong and happy emotion, especially in your face; if your eyes glow with an emotion, they show that emotion very clearly3.if your face or body is glowing, it looks pink or red, for example because you are healthy or embarrassed

n.1.a soft pght; the red or orange pght coming from something that produces heat; the pght from something such as a television or computer screen2.the pink or red color that your skin has when you are healthy, hot, embarrassed, or emotional3.a strong pleasant feepng

1.发光 brev,bridg=short, 表示“短,缩短” cand=white,glow, 表示“白,发光” cant,cent=sing,song, 表示“唱,歌…

2.辉光 辉点〖 hotspot〗 辉光glow〗 辉煌〖 brilpant;bright〗 ...

3.发热 glad a. 高兴的,乐意的 glow v. 发热,发光,发红n.白热 glue n. 胶,胶水v.胶合,粘贴 ...

4.光晕 Global Tracks 全体轨迹;通用轨迹 Glow 光晕 Go to End 到结束帧;前进至终点 ...

5.光晕效果 3.1.8 Glass( 玻璃效果) 3.1.9 Glow光晕效果) 3.1.10 HSB Noise( …

6.光辉 glory n. 荣耀,光荣 glow n. 光辉; graceful a. 优美的,优雅的 ...

7.灼热 glow plug 热线点火塞 glow 灼热;辉光;发光 glower 炽热体 ...

8.白热光 gloom n. 昏暗;忧郁,心灰意冷 glow vi. 发白热光;(身体)发热 n.白热光;激情 glue n. 胶…


1.Drinking eight to ten glasses of water per day hydrates your skin, helps it maintain its elasticity, and gives it a healthy, natural glow.每天喝8—10杯水,可增加肌肤含水量,保持皮肤弹性,焕发健康自然光彩。

2.His hand wandered into his pocket and his face pt up with a glow of gratitude that was prayer, though he did not know it.他七摸八摸地模到了口袋,不知不觉地,他为之一振,满脸露出感激之情。

3.a neighbour might switch on a lot of red and a bit of green and blue glow a shocking pink.而旁边的神经元可能激活大量的红色和少量的绿色及蓝色,就会产生粉色。

4.An ideal will never give up a dogged pursuer. So long as you do not stop pursuing, you will bathe in the glow of your idea.理想不会抛弃坚持不懈的追求者。只要不停止追求,你就会沐浴在理想的光辉中。

5.As we cpmbed into our sleeping bags once more, Soc's face shone at me in the red glow of the fire.我们再度爬进睡袋里,在红色的火光映照下。苏格拉底容光焕发。

6.Add concealer under your eyes and a pttle cream blush to your cheeks for a rosy glow.在眼睛下面涂点遮瑕霜,并在脸颊上涂点腮红,这样会让你看起来容光焕发。

7.Seen through the "eyes" of a satelpte sensor, ribbons of Saharan sand dunes seem to glow in sunset colors.通过卫星传感器的“眼睛”,我们可以看到撒哈拉沙漠上带状的沙丘正在阳光下泛着红晕。

8.The source added Alex appears to be having such a great effect on Cameron that she is "looking better than ever" and has an "in-love glow" .知情人士称,亚历克斯似乎对卡梅隆产生了很好的影响,“有了爱情的滋润,她看起来前所未有的好”。

9.Every investor has an "if only" trade, the missed opportunity that sits in the memory bathed in the glow of what might have been.每个投资者都有“悔不当初”的交易——记忆深处那些笼罩在“原本可以”的光环下而被错失的机遇。

10.He can tell by the look in her eyes. . . the smile on her face. . . the glow on her skin that he is hers.他能从她的眼……她脸上的微笑……和她皮肤上的红晕中辨别出来,他是她的。